Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Salad days

I can still picture Elaine on Seinfield going on and on about BIG SALAD. Folks seem willing to pay big bucks for those big salads, because they have the appearance of being healthy, I suppose. Had a big salad myself last night, but in not out. Didn't go out to eat, that is. Picture this: a healthy portion of baby spinach (@ $2.88 for a bag), broccoli ($1.67 a bag), red pepper ($.78 for one whole pepper), shredded cheddar ($2.51), hot & spicy pre-cooked chicken tenders from the deli ($3.98/lb.--cut up only one on top of my salad), and carrots ($2.99 for 2 lbs.), all tossed with Newman's Own Light Honey Mustard Dressing (forget the cost, proceeds go to charity). Not only did I have a very satisfying, quick meal at a fraction of what a big salad costs in a restaurant, but I have ingredients for future meals. Think steamed broccoli with cheddar sprinkled on top, steamed carrots tossed with a little brown sugar for glazed carrots, spinach and red pepper quickly stir fried in oil & garlic and seasoned with cumin. To paraphrase Shakespeare, my salad days don't make me green in judgment but save me cold hard cash. “My salad days, When I was green in judgment: cold in blood” (Antony and Cleopatra, I.v.73). 

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