Friday, October 29, 2010

Reducing waste: Adios cling wrap!

Inspired by the sites Fake Plastic Fish and Zero Waste Home, I now consciously try to use less single-use plastics, in this case cling wrap. When melting butter, etc., topping a bowl with a plate works just as well as cling wrap at keeping the microwave clean. Best part is no plastic in landfill here AND the plate is already paid for, so I'm not wasting money on some plastic that I'd use once then toss. Such a "low-hanging-fruit" style of waste reduction, why did it take me so long to do this? Oh, I know there are times when cling wrap is a must, but when I read that David Lebovitz washes and reuses his plastic cling wrap, I tried it. Guess what? Works like a charm!


  1. Who needs cling wrap when there is Tupperware? :)

  2. I too was a big fan of Tupperware, until I learned the plastic can "infiltrate" the food! Still keep a stash of the stuff though, to take camping with us when weight is an issue. No more washing it in dishwasher though. :(

  3. I am in love with Mason Jars. You can store leftover in then and reheat in them without the worry of BPA. They are great for packing soup for lunch (wide mouth 16oz jelly jars). Now you can also buy white plastic lids for them when you want to use them for storage oppose to caning. I also use them to make my yogurt (oven method).

    sorry for rambling.

  4. pls don't apologize, I love getting new ideas!!


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