Sunday, November 28, 2010

Frugal things I hate but do anyway

Okay, in the land of remote controls, what can be more annoying than having to get UP to turn on the TV, because the batteries in the remote are dead. Add to that the indeterminable WAIT for the batteries to charge, and well, just another thing on the list of things to hate. But gotta love not spending the bucks I used to spend on AA and AAA batteries, plus less batteries taking up space in some landfill. Yeah, gotta love that. Oh, how I wish I had bought rechargeable batteries back when I first noticed they existed. Think of the money I could've saved! Even e-How says rechargeables save money.
This was a dry summer which twisted our homegrown sweet potatoes into little, sometimes big, squigglies that are flippin' hard to peel. So very annoying peeling and cutting around the nooks and crannies. BUT gotta love the part where I don't have to spend the $$ at the grocery store for some pesticide sprayed sweet potatoes. Yeah, gotta love that.


  1. Well, you could call them: 'Designer' Sweet Potatoes.

    I pop mine in the microwave, after they are a little better than semi-cooked they are easier to peel. I cook them a lot for my dogs(yeah, I'm almost like that crazy cat Lady every neighborhood seems to have...except with dogs)

  2. hey, I'm gonna have to try that--the microwave part at least! ;) thanks, Patty!

  3. I love the initiative here and I do agree with using rechargeable batteries vs. single use batteries but I must inform/debate the use of rechargeable batteries on remotes. It's not bad, it's just not as efficient. For the same reason rechargeable batteries shouldn't be used in smoke/heat detectors, rechargeable batteries, due to their nature, slowly lose charge overtime even when sitting on the shelf and not being drawn by an appliance. That said, it is more efficient to use single use batteries in low use appliances like remotes and detectors because they will last up to 10 times longer. I know it seems silly but true.

    I do use rechargeable batteries like a mad man though. I found this solar powered battery recharger on Amazon for just $20. It works good. I love it!

    I love your blog! I'm reposting some of your stuff on Facebook and twitter. How can I "Follow you on here" I don't see an option. Have an awesome day!

  4. welcome debate! Admittedly, rechargeables don't last as long as regular batteries in remotes, but I only pay for the rechargeables once and they use minimal electricity to recharge. A win for my wallet and the environment, if I can tolerate the hassle. I don't use them in smoke/CO2 detectors, 'cause the consequences are higher than the economic gain. With a TV remote, what is there to lose but my patience? Am I missing something else?

  5. Nice. I'm picking up what you're laying down! :) Did you check out that solar charger. Super cool! The only thing that sucks is that I live in Germany and There is no sun for about 3 months (Dec-Feb)! I hope all is well!

  6. I'd forgotten to look for the solar charger...thx for the reminder!


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