Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh, the little things we do...

Again in the interest of "mind the nickels and dimes and the dollars will mind themselves," I used a black marker to highlight the "normal" load amount on my laundry detergent scoops. Otherwise, it would be too easy to just guess...and end up using more than is necessary. I ALWAYS wash in cold water these days, but for loads containing sheets, towels and undies, I add a scoop of non-chlorine bleach alternative. Laundry detergent is yet another of those one-time-use products that I have always tried to spend as little on as possible, but these days there is evidence it's even hard on the clothes to use too much detergent. According to the WSJ article "The Great American Soap Overdose," too much detergent makes our "clothes dingy and our machines smell." And gotta love the quote in the article that says for many loads, we could do without soap altogether!


  1. Hi,

    Thanks for your comments on my blog, very kind of you.

    I had a friend I was talking about laundry powder, I make mt own using the cheapeest wash powder I can find and washing soda, just less than half a scoop does a full load. She did not think that would work, so I asked if she had a laod of laundry and we washed it without any soap powder, there was enough residue in her clothes to do the wash!! She was converted and no longer uses fabric softner either, the dispenser gets filled with white vinegar to kill off any remaining soap.

    I am going to go back over the next few dats and read all your blog posts.

  2. I have used vinegar for rinsing, love it, but these days we have time to hang out most clothes, which definitely cuts down on static. I have a front-loader high-efficiency washer and the laundry soap is OUT OF $$SIGHT! I'll have to research to see if your recipe will work in it, SS. thanks


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