Thursday, December 2, 2010

$100 debt at age 14 changed my life!

   On my 14th birthday, my folks got me the beautiful, incredibly white 10-speed bike-of-my-dreams. Oh, how I had begged for that bike. At $125 bucks, it was $100 bucks more than they usually spent on us kids for birthdays, but I would pay them back the difference. Really, I would! I could babysit and I could...
   So on my 14th birthday, when they wheeled in that bike, I was ecstatic!! Then my mom handed me the store contract for purchase that showed I still owed $100 dollars for it. I thanked them and wheeled that oh-so-cool brand spanking new bike into my bedroom. Then I read that contract. And then I cried. Cried my eyes out. How would I EVER pay off 100 DOLLARS?
   Guess what? That was the last time I took debt lightly. 
   That's why this year on my birthday, when my husband and I go out to buy me the latest bike-of-my-dreams, this time it'll be paid for in full--with CASH!


  1. That makes me want to cry a little too. But at least it taught you a good lesson...I guess you could call it good emotional scarring.


Love it that you stopped by today!

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