Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Best pancakes EVER!

   In my mom's copy of Southern Living 2010 Annual Recipes, I found the best pancake recipe I've ever tried. If interested in the recipe, click here: Pam-cakes.
   Pancakes are just another one of those things that are so easy to make from scratch, why buy a mix? Scratch-cooking means spending less money AND less packaging to go into a landfill. See below for a pic of my cooked pancakes ready for the freezer, separated by re-purposed butter wrappers and part of a cereal box liner.


  1. Mmmm... that looks delicious! And I have to say: you are so right! We cán do so much more, with less packages and money.

    Just want to say thank you for your comment on my blog. Like the ideas!

    Greets from Holland ;o)

  2. That soup sounds to die for!!! Thank you for using my recipe in such a wonderfully creative way. Those pancakes look absolutely fantastic.

  3. thanks, Meg! and Monique thanks for letting me visit...first "reactie" I'd ever left. ;)


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