Friday, December 3, 2010

This is on my and tell

   Captured on a recent trip down the Natchez Trail, this pic reminds me of my love of secret gardens. How can I create one in my own back yard? I dream of incorporating berry bushes, fruit and nut trees, and veggies into a xeriscape of what is now a big expanse of thirsty green lawn. UPDATE: It has since come to my attention that maybe permaculture is a more appropriate word for what I am shooting for with our yard. Permaculture: my favorite new word.

   Thanks to SouleMama and down---to---earth for inviting me into a new concept of Friday photo sharing that one calls "{this moment}" and the latter "This is on my mind..." Above is my pic and what I hope it inspires me to do. Join me in leaving a link to your moment of show n tell here, on SouleMama or on down---to---earth. TGIF!


  1. That is beautiful. Xeriscaping is catching on here too. I hope you achieve your dream.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thanks for taking time to visit my blog. It's always wonderful to meet new friends especially through Rhonda's blog.

    Isn't this sharing of photos a great idea?!

    Life In The Suburbs

  3. I love secret gardens and lush mixed planting too. Good luck.
    I hadn't heard of Xeriscaping, but then again, I've no shortage of rain or moisture in the soil here in Ireland!

  4. Hi Dmarie, You have won the copy of King Corn on my blog. Email me at greenhab (dot) goods (at) gmail with your contact info and I'll get it out in the mail to you. Thanks!

  5. thanks, Kelli!!! Looking forward to reading more about how the Browns Go Green on your blog, Greenhab

  6. @the This is on my mind visitors, I agree, Rhonda has a great idea! Though we don't water our lawn, I'm considering xeriscaping for the concept: replacing lawn with other plants. In our case, instead of succulents, I dream of replacing our lawn with mostly native food-producing trees/bushes/plants.


Love it that you stopped by today!

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