Monday, December 13, 2010

Frozen homemade cookie dough--like money in the bank!

   Just baked a batch of cookies. So good--they're gone in a flash! Looking to restrict your kids from overconsumption of your homemade goodies? Or maybe save YOURSELF from eating to many? Best way to do that is by freezing the cookie dough.
   To freeze, I use a cookie dough scoop to scoop out all the homemade dough onto a baking sheet, with the dough-balls spaced close together but not touching (dough pictured in the pan here is spaced far apart for baking). A few hours in the freezer until the dough is frozen enough to keep from sticking together and then all the dough balls can be tossed into a freezer storage container.
   No need to toss those store-bought, high fructose corn syrup laden, pre-packaged cookies into the grocery cart when freshly baked cookies can be had at home.
   After thawing the dough a minimum of 10 minutes, I made the mistake of baking a whole tray of cookies last night, which meant I ATE too many cookies last night. Sooo much better when I bake myself just a couple of cookies at a time in the toaster oven. Saves me calories AND money!


  1. @Concerned Foodie: (Unfortunately, your comment contained a link that was kinda squirrelly; this is the only reason it was deleted.) I buy organic free range humane certified eggs, so I don't worry too much about recalls.

  2. This is brilliant! Can't believe I never thought of this!

  3. Mmm. Cookie dough certainly is like money in the bank! I will have to remember this the next time I make them.

  4. I've done this before and it was a great time saver! Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Absolutely brilliant. Especially since, with butter cookies, you have to chill the dough anyway. One less step the next day!

  6. There are no kids here except me when it comes to eating cookies! This would not stop me from eating too many since I know how to go back again and turn on the Plus, skip the middleman; eat them frozen--no cooking needed. What freezing the dough balls would do is to help me to bake cookies, lots of cookies at once since I would have the hard work done. I can see making over several days or weeks many batches of different cookies and freezing them. A cooking marathon would be just cooking, not measuring, mixing, washing dishes over and over. Good idea you have.

  7. awww, thanks for all the feedback, you guys! I appreciate it.

  8. @Spicy, thanks for your recipe for Orange/Chocolate/Cranberry Shortbread: Had some for lunch, and it was divine. Took the 2nd pan to my folks, and they love it too.

  9. I did this once this summer with the intention of pulling a few out at a time and baking them, but my hubby and I love raw cookie dough so much, we would just pull out a cookie dough ball or two and eat them like that!

    I guess it saved electricity? haha.

  10. *grin* oh, Mary, that's a hoot! sounds sooo cold!


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