Sunday, December 19, 2010

Make do: Re-arranging turns old into new

   Ever get tired of looking at the same ole, same ole at home? When that happens, the temptation can be to buy something new. Instead, try switching things around to make the old SEEM new.
   The quilt pictured here graced one or the other of our beds for ages. Made by my mother, this quilt is one of my most prized possessions. Which is why I'm tickled pink to enjoy it now in its latest incarnation--as a wall-hanging in our family room.
   Do you like to shake things up in your home decor?


  1. Unfortunately, when I place furniture, it stays there forever. If I happen to acquire a replacement, it just goes where the old piece was. That's just me. I suppose I want to walk through the house and know where all the furniture I might bump into is However, I do take pillows from here to there, decide a picture needs a new home,replace a lamp with a better one...all cheaply or absolutely free. I relly like the quilt!

  2. That is a great quilt. Wow. That is an amazing heirloom, and one that you used as well, makes it even more priceless. Nice.

    Thanks for visiting The Family Bed, too.

  3. In our house, everything centers around the TV. Which centers around the cable plug in. So, no.

    Yep! Our brains are mush, just the way we like it.

    Congrats to your mom's quilt for making it to vertical! :) Looks lovely.

  4. Definitely. It makes my place look interesting, at least for me.

  5. I saw your comment on my blog & thought I'd pop over & say hello!
    Wow! just thinking of all the time that must have gone into making your heirloom quilt!
    Changing furniture around- I agree its very refreshing..I used to do it a lot in my old house...not so much now, my present house has too many windows, radiators, and lots of doorways...the furniture seems to stay in the same old boring place.

  6. A change is as good as a holiday, so the saying goes. I love your use of a special quilt in your decorating!

  7. thx for all the comments, you guys! love hearing from each of you!! Wish I'd had time to comment to each but expecting Grandgirl-E any minute now. Having such fun with her while she's on her holiday break from kindergarten.


Love it that you stopped by today!

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