Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mock ziplocks save me money!

   A myriad of products come in mock zip-locks these days. Seems plastic packaging is inevitable, especially for those of us in areas without stores that allow you to "bring your own" packages to fill. Best I can do is re-purpose the plastic packages we do buy (and buy in bulk when possible).
   As of last night, all four of these packages are now filled to the brim with just sliced, freshly smoked pepper-crusted Christmas ham that my uncle gifted to my dad. (yum--can't wait!)
   Did you manage to re-purpose any other types of packaging recently? Always looking for ideas!!


  1. Well, this is sort of related. Usually I recycle all my paper / cardboard waste from things like empty paper towel tubes, tissue boxes, etc. But in October or November I start keeping an eye out for cardboard trappings that I can use come Christmas time to make wrapping presents more fun. I always disguise my gifts so that people can't look at the small rectangle and say "oh, what movie did you get me?) So tonight or tomorrow when I wrap my presents (last minute, I know), I will be able to cleverly conceal all of my gifts.

    This way, I get another use out of the would-be junk, and then I can recycle it afterward.

  2. love that! what fun to see the look on their faces when they think for a second that you got them facial tissues. :-D

  3. I know I love it! I've done it ever since I can remember getting gifts for people and it's so much fun. I think it's more fun if the recipients can't guess what they're getting. :)

  4. I save those ziplocs from packages and send stuff like cut fruit in them for a lunch. I use the stiff paper from inside the cereal box for sandwiches. That inner cereal liner is so tough that it holds up for reuse. Good tip for anyone who has not thought of reusing commercial packaging.


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