Friday, January 28, 2011

On my mind: Fat, salt & sugar call my name

Y'know how some foods just call your name? All. Day. Long. These no-bake cookies I made yesterday are annoyingly LOUD. Former surgeon general Dr. Kessler, in his book "The End of Overeating," uncovered the nasty truth of how the combination of fat, salt and sugar stimulates our brains, causing us to eat more. His concept explains why some restaurant foods leave me with food cravings for days afterward. Well, this time I've cooked up the toxic trio myself. I love, LOVE homemade desserts but even my favorite cakes and pies don't leave me craving them all hours of the day. Since I'm always trying to eat healthier, it's time now to chuck any recipes for foods that leave me with food cravings and annoyingly stay ON MY MIND.

Thanks, SouleMama and down---to---earth, for starting this Friday photo sharing. If you stopped by, please leave your link so I can return the favor.


  1. Nothing fattening is calling my name. It is all screaming at me. And, right now, I am giving in. I can go six months without fast food, but the minute I have anything, I want it everyday.

  2. It really is true how one choice leads to another and another... some treats can really derail a good day.

  3. I want to lick the pot, he he he

    Thanks for stopping by

  4. No Bake cookies will haunt my sleep saying here I am ~~ wake up~~ come take a bite! Love em ~ Hate em!!! I only make them once a year for that reason....

  5. Oh I am ashamed to admit I could eat all of them right now. Thanks I am sitting here drinking a Belgium Chocolate Coffee I just made. I bought the beans from the store, instead of the chocolate bar I really wanted, I could not wait to get home. It is rather good. Oh yeah with the cream (oops) I am sure it works for the cravings. Maybe better for you?

  6. For me it only takes one bite. Didn't know why until I read the article. Thanks for the post

  7. Gosh! I love those cookies! Comfort food from my childhood.

  8. Ok, I'm looking past those cookies(rolling my eyes while saying that)
    The Banana cake recipe I have just posted about will be a good place to start then. :) Maa.

  9. oh oh they look so good.
    I have one biscuit (even home made) and can't stop at that, or 2, or 3 ....
    Am going to check out the book you mentioned. Thanks :)

  10. There is nothing better than homemade baking especially when cold outside.

  11. Can I lick the spoon please!! Although it looks like I would have to take a number. Brain comfort food indeed. Jacinta

  12. oh food cravings are my downfall! Jelly Babies! Why?!

  13. Yep, I started the fat/sugar/salt at Thanksgiving and now I want it everyday.
    And on that note, do you mind sharing your recipe?
    Obviously, I'm hopeless.

  14. this is so true! I have cut sugar out of our everyday lives around here. Occasionaly I make a special treat but, for the most part~ no sugar! We really cut down our salt intake as well this past year. The fat is slowly being reduced as well.

  15. clearly I am in good company here! I admire those who can ditch the sugar entirely. Me, I've gotta have my desserts...just need to not eat them ALL DAY LONG! ;)


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