Friday, January 21, 2011

On my mind: Saving the dog's food

Snowy, icy and 4F degrees here in Kentucky this morn, but I braved the cold to take a pic of our dog's house. Cracks me up every time I look out there and see this turkey decoy. Tired of watching the birds literally eat all our dog's food, Hubby had moved her bowl to several different locations. But the birds always found it, even inside the garage! Finally, he put out this decoy. It sways in the wind & the birds won't come anywhere near it for some reason. So, let the neighbors wonder why we've decorated our yard this winter, Hubby has saved the day with his ingenious little "scarecrow."

Thanks, SouleMama and down---to---earth, for inviting me into this Friday photo sharing. Share your link here, on SouleMama or on down---to---earth. TGIF!


  1. Hello I love the turkey decoy. It works perfect.
    In my photo the top pic is of the blade guard of an old mower.

  2. This is so funny! I never would have thought of that!!

  3. That is so cute! I'll bet the neighbors are wondering why you all didn't choose pink flamingos to decorate with! He he!

  4. That's hysterical! and effective! great picture!

  5. You must have a huge dog! I am going to try to secure my chicken's food and water so that birds do not come in to snack and have a cool drink. I don't really mind sharing. But, wild birds can spread parasites to chickens. I am thinking of getting an owl, the kind that is meant to deter birds from the garden. If it frightens my hens,I will look for another alternative. Of course, securing the whole cage with smaller wire would work.

  6. Oh I didn't realise it was a decoy at first! very funny! My eldest is terrified of my mum's turkeys (imagine if I got one of these for our yard...tee hee!!)
    have a great weekend

  7. I thought it was a giant turkey just wandering around your yard! What a smart idea!

    Hope you have a happy weekend!

  8. I would not have thought of using a decoy... very clever!
    What kind of dog do you have?
    And 4F ?? Brrrrrrrr....

  9. hahaha! how fabulous. Your DH is a clever man.


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