Friday, January 7, 2011

This is on my mind: USE those foodie foods!

Even before accepting the January "shop only from your own pantry" challenge, I'd vowed to finally USE the foodie foodstuffs that I buy but seldom or never use. (Anchovies...what was I thinking?!) Not included in the pic are the curry pastes and coconut oil in the fridge, to name a few. Some items pictured here I just idea of souvenirs from recent travels. Yes, I will be making my own pasta and tortillas in 2011. I WILL!

Thanks, SouleMama and down---to---earth, for inviting me into this Friday photo sharing. What’s on your mind this moment? Hope to see your link here, on SouleMama or on down---to---earth. TGIF!


  1. Awww thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment.
    Good for you starting the New Year out right. I'm trying to do the same!

  2. dmarie, that is a great idea. I have that kind of food, too, in my house. The problem is, I have bought several pouches of brownie mix, and I don't want to indulge in those too often.

  3. So glad you stopped by. I like your food challenge. I will be looking through my pantry!.....Denise

  4. We never have enough curry paste, I can rarely buy coconut oil and I LOVE anchovies! I'd love to get my head into your pantry. Good luck with your challenge.

  5. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Now that the holidays are past I find I have left over mixed ~match ingredeints that will need a google search of sites to plan something crazy to bake or cook....LOL

  6. That's quite a challenge Dmarie... you're going to produce some interesting recipes.
    Now, if I can just get to the bottom of my freezer I think there's still some recognizable food there :)

    Have fun and thanks for visiting my blog. Cheers :D

  7. Haha! I have those sort of items lurking in the back of my stockpile pantry. You have made me want to go and pull that all out. Maybe I should send it to you!!! lol!


  8. Quinoa !!!, in spanish is quinua, I'm peruvian and this is from Peru :)
    Good election ;)

  9. awesome! I used to make my own pasta and tortillas! I was reading down a little, you are right, the healthier stuff is so expensive. thanks for visiting my heron photo. I was lucky that he stayed as long as he did, he was so mad that I was "stalking" him...

  10. I didn't realise it until I saw your post. Thank you!
    And thanks for commenting on my blog, too.

  11. My husband says that I'm probably 3/4 coconut oil by this point. Not only do I use it in most of my cooking, I use it as an all-over moisturizer as well. I love smelling like a tropical lady after I shower! This is a great challenge you've presented for yourself!

    Here is my tortilla recipe if interested:

  12. hi, thanks for your visit & your comment.
    I like this thing of 'what is on my mind'.
    I will probably add it in my blog


  13. puree the anchovies and makea creamy salad dressing with mayo, olive oil, garlic and vinegar. Surprisingly very yummy! :)

  14. Thanks for your comment, nice to meet you!

    Oh, how I would love to make tortillas this year. I've had a press for four year and still haven't used it..yikes!

    Be well ~Andrea~

  15. thank you, thank you for the comments and suggestions. can't wait to try them out & check out all your blogs for other ideas on how to use my foodstuffs. I didn't know quinoa originated in South America. Love having company in this "eat from your pantry" challenge!

  16. Quinoa is amazing AND a complete protein (especially if you are trying to make more vegetarian meals)!

    One of my favorites is quinoa with curry powder, corn, & peas.... but I also like to use it almost the same way I would pasta for a pasta salad.

    Broccoli, canned tuna/salmon, whatever veggies you want. I would toss with some olive oil and herbs :)


  17. Thanks for visiting my little blog :) I've found tons of inspiration here on yours so much so that it's been nearly a week since you commented on mine and I always get sidetracked checking out your blog and forgot to thank you!

  18. @Shorty, thx for suggestions. have been trying to cook with more curry, so I love that idea. @RoseM, thx!


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