Thursday, January 13, 2011

Less $$ for electric company, more for us!

  Though our television (TV) and its peripherals were already plugged into a powerstrip, I finally talked Hubby into placing the strip somewhere easily accessible, so it could be turned off after each use.
   As pictured here, our powerstrip's now attached at the top back of the TV instead of on the floor, unreachable. That means, instead of a phantom load running and costing us money 24/7, our TV, DVD, stereo, converter box and woofer only get power when the TV's actually on (a couple of hours each night).
   There is an alternative for folks who don't want to turn off the power to all components, like the cable box, but I don't know the full story. From what I've read, you can either buy a kill-switch powerstrip that would turn off the TV's companions each time the remote turns off the TV or place the TV/cable box on one powerstrip and the peripherals on another.
   This isn't an issue for us since we don't use cable; therefore, we don't lose any programming. No need for us to even bother to reset the time.

   Recently read that not finding ways to save on electricity amounts to making a monthly charitable contribution to the power company. As the electric company is not my idea of a worthwhile recipient of our charitable giving, I'm thrilled with this little, do-able change!
   Have you made any little, doable changes to reduce your monthly "contributions" to the electric company?


  1. We did the same thing a year and half ago and it does make a big difference! Also, if you have pretty lamps in living room or on bed side tables but really don't use them, unplug them...Any object plugged in at wall pulls electricity thru meter , you pay for it to be ready for use at outlet...we (hubby & I ) slashed our bill to $37.00 monthly budget, In Michigan Winter Wonderland!

  2. Blessings, we haven't gotten a bill yet after making this change, so I'm really anxious to see what kinda diff it makes. sounds like you've reaped great rewards!

  3. What a good idea! We have of course done the basics of turning off lights when we leave the room. This next month I am going to work on getting in the routine of hang-drying our clothes consistently - that should save a lot!

  4. @PW, I actually enjoy hanging laundry out to dry. nerdie, frugal fun...y'know, me against the wind! ;)

  5. I have a power strip with two rows of plugs. One row is designated "always on." That way, anything with a clock or timer will not be turned off and need to be reset. The other row of outlets can be turned of without affecting the first row of outlets.That may be the full story on items not turned off.

    Only electrical items that have little lights on them like the electric stove and microwave will use electricity when they are off. So, lamps, heaters turned off,(all with no lights showing) can be left plugged in. Since I turn off my laptop and lamps plugged into the strip, no electricity is used. However, the microwave, even when not in use uses electricity...phantom. Sometimes I unplug the toaster even though it is not necessary.

    Since it has not been above freezing for five days, I chucked the idea of saving electricity for now. I am freezing and have two space heaters running round the clock. Never mind I could burn the place down. There is more of a chance I could freeze tonight when it is 10 degrees out and about 20 in my When the snow, ice, and sub-freezing temps are gone, I will work extra hard at saving electricity, just like I always do. Brrrr...blankets around me are nice and warm.

  6. This has been on my list of things to do for a while now. Thinking of it as a charitable contribution to the power company is good motivation to get up and do it sooner!

  7. @Practical, I'm with time to think about saving if you're freezing! @Lindy Mint, this is another of those things that I'd been thinking about forever but never got around to doing 'til recently. Even if it only makes a little difference to our bill, it's nice to lower our carbon footprint too. @Facemot, your link appeared to be to a commercial site, thus spam. That's the only reason that comment was deleted.

  8. I do! I use this

    and I just have to push the red button to switch everything off! :-)

  9. @Singlemama, looks very similar to mine. Thx for sharing.

  10. Hi Dmarie- I am *finally* having time to visit *your* Eco blog, and it's great! Yeah- the power strip thing is amazing. It really *does* save energy and $$$. Good for you!!!- Deb at


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