Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A little hankie panky goin' on around here

Save a tree--use a hankie!
   Okay, it's a given that the easiest way to save money is not to spend it in the first place.
   Of course, we have to buy SOME things, don't we? But where's the fun in spending money on one-time-use products like facial tissues? I'd much rather spend my greenbacks on TRAVEL or CLOTHES, for instance, wouldn't you??
   So, yeah, I use hankies or even Hubby-sized handkerchiefs instead of buying tissues. They're softer even than most paper products, which is much appreciated when there's a whole lot of blowin' goin' on!
   No, I don't always iron them, but thought you'd better be able to see my newest ones if ironed. This is one of four monogrammed hankies (may be cocktail napkins) that I bought at a yard sale for a song.
   Incidentally, the cabinet door's open here in the mudroom to show where I keep my scissors. Maybe you always knew to keep a pair in the laundry room, but I probably got the idea from Martha Stewart. Scissors in the laundry room come in so handy for cutting stray threads off of clothing...or hankies.
   Nothing risqué about HANKIE PANKY. Hankies are good for noses, good for budgets AND good for good for the environment. Win, $Win$, WIN!
   Now what would YOU rather spend your money on than facial tissues? 


  1. I cannot bring myself to wash handkerchiefs, not even my own. Snot in the wash water is gross. Okay, I got this aversion from my mother. However, I do not use tissues. A little bit of tp works. Then, I can use a wet washcloth to get the end of my nose unyucky. You are absolutely right about one-time-use products. I would rather spend my money on traveling to see my grandchildren.

  2. Yes, hankies here too. When I first met Petal, I noticed he has a fresh hankie every day. I can always work out how long he has been away.
    Each day away he uses...
    *One polo shirt( he no longer wears a blue singlet-the truckies uniform here. lol! since having cancer)
    *One pair of 'stubbies (shorts)
    *One pair of knickers
    *One pair of Socks
    *And one HANKIE!
    I do have a box of tissues for guests and for an odd rare cold.
    I also like ironed hankies. Maa

  3. I have always loved when people have hankies! I think it is so great :-)

  4. My hand is up too - am a hankie girl from way back.
    Just love them! Our daughter embroidered my initial with flowers on one once - a beautiful gift :)

    The reason I changed over to them was that I'd had one too many machine loads with a sneaky tissue in a pocket that had escaped detection .... aaaaaargh - what a job to get shreds of tissue out of everything.

    So saying all that, in times of a heavy cold I resort to tp (the same as Practical Parsimony)... but, it goes straight in the bin NOT the pocket ;-)

  5. I remember having to iron my dad's hankies way back in the day!!

  6. This is a really good idea- I had hankerchiefs growing up... I really like your point about not buying/avoiding single use products. I might have to adopt that.

  7. Handkerchiefs are so elegant! I went to a friends place for brunch and he served breakfast with some handkerchiefs.

    Much better for the environment too.


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