Thursday, February 3, 2011

Make over: Serving tray to computer desk

   Bet I'm not the only one sitting on her couch tapping away at a laptop that's sitting on a converted serving tray. The cushion lap desk (notebook stand) I'd bought previously worked fine for short sessions but occasionally I wanted to watch a Netflix on the computer without eventually feeling like I had a hot potato in my lap.
   This tray, which I think I got at Target, cost somewhere between $10-15 bucks. When I couldn't find anything suitable in the computer department, I found this serving tray in housewares. I figured it would fill the bill...with a minor alteration. Brought it home and had Hubby cut the front side of the tray off. (The front section came up too high and blocked access to the keyboard unless I arched my wrists.)
   Not a very classy solution, it gets put up at the end of the day, out of sight. Cheap as this sucker is, the side braces have worked their way out and had to be re-glued. And the finish is gummed up on the side pictured here...other side's finish is smoother. Still, works for me! Keeps the heat of the laptop off of my legs and provides a steady surface to boot.
   So, AM I the only one using a serving tray for a lap desk?


  1. Nope, but it is a great idea you have. I use a medim flat rate box from Po, used of course. Then, I have to wad a blanket or something up so the box does not come near by knees since anything touching my knees, holding the laptop hurts my knees. I bought one of the items from Office Max to sit on my lap and hold the laptop to keep the laptop cool. That touched my knees, so I still had to wad something underneath. I have an idea in mind to make that will suit me. Your idea looks great! I sit in a chair with arms, so I need something to rest on the arms or just on my lap. Of course, if I got anything that needed altering, I am out of luck.

  2. I am really lovin' this idea. You are a really clever gal. I hope you have a super evening. Blessings...Mary

  3. Very very clever. I'm thinking of stealing your idea actually...

  4. I'm an actual LAP-top laptop user... mine is an excellent heat source :)


  5. Great idea! It looks nice too.
    When in my lounge chair, I sometimes use an ordinary tray which balances on a pillow... ok for a while.

    Otherwise, I sit at my sewing bench and the laptop sits on top of ... hang on, will count them ..... 13 of my craft magazines - just the right height ;-)


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