Thursday, February 17, 2011

On My Mind: Missing the moos already

Our neighbor sold all his cows! Oh, I'm missing the moos already! Seriously, I didn't even need to watch a Nature documentary on PBS to witness the miracle of birth. Sometimes the cows hung out in the pasture directly behind our property, and they would beg at the fence for Hubby to give them apples from our tree. Somehow life is more interesting with animals around...won't be the same around here without them.

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  1. oh you will miss them :( Ours will be sole in July and I'll miss them terribly, especially one called Spotty.

  2. There is something about the sounds of cows mooing that is very soul satisfying.

  3. We hear cows mooing every morning, as there is a farm near us. But I haven't heard them this week at's funny how you miss hearing their moo's. :-)

  4. I know the feeling. I love the sound of moo. B

  5. I have never lived around mooing cows or any other sort of cows, but I can imagine it would be a sound I would miss.

  6. Some days we go missing the moo's too but usually because they have broken out and are running loose. hate those days. You never really appreciate what you have until it is gone.

  7. Oh you are so right, there is someting special liging aroung animals. I would love to have cows, but don't have enough room, instead we vist the farm each week to get our milk. We do have chickens and can't imagine life without them.

    Thanks for stopping by today for a visit.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  8. My landlord has cows and one of the pastures is behind my rental house. I do enjoy them, so I am understand and am sorry "yours" are gone.
    Is he going to get more or is he finished?

  9. We have cows near us - young bullocks actually, I guess they will be sold too , but our neighbour breeds them, so we always hear the sound. I would miss that. xx

  10. oh no! life is so much more fun with animals around.

  11. They are kinda cute! Sorry for your loss! Happy weekend!

  12. I agree, I love listening to animals around me. Maybe you'll have to get yourself a housecow. ;- )

  13. I'd miss it too if an animal would disappear even if it was the neighbors. Rhonda is right, you should get your own cow :):)

  14. My in laws are dairy farmers, their son (my brother in law) has just been given his own council farm so all the cows are going to transfer from the in laws to their son. I will miss the cows too! Lovely Picture, Stacey

  15. alas, the cows behind me are gone for good as those neighbors' age makes such farming more difficult. but there are cows in the field over (close enough to see but not to touch)...maybe those farmers will convince our back door neighbor to let them use his pastures?


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