Sunday, February 20, 2011

Time to let my hair down

Think it's not worth it to cut open packaging and use every last bit? Well, I just got TWO week's worth of hair goop from this cut up container. (Stored in a plastic bag after being cut open.)
   Right now in my bath, there's also a toothpaste tube cut in two.
   Didn't always do this...used to just toss something the minute I couldn't squeeze out another drop. Until I learned about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, that is. Since then, I've learned there's a garbage patch in the Atlantic too. That's when I started paying attention to all the plastics I bring into our home. Started thinking about what packaging recycles and what doesn't. That's when I looked through my accumulated products that just stayed in the drawer and never got used as I bought and used new products that I liked better.
   Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance doesn't do any good for the planet OR personal finances.
   Now that I'm using every last bit of every product that I've bought and also trying to use up what family members don't like, I'm saving money. (Bought the mousse from an SIL at a yard sale.)
   And when EVERY LAST BIT of these products is gone, I hope to buy only those products that are packaged in recyclable containers. More importantly, when I'm all out of the goop I'd already bought and paid for, I'll be looking for home-made alternatives to those products that require non-biodegradable packaging.
   No, I'm not as conscientious about plastic usage as Bea over at Zero Waste Home. But I aspire to be. 
   Kinda hard to use plastics these days without thinking of those HUGE swirls of trash in our oceans. Our children's children will be swimming in our trash. Heaven forbid!


  1. I have NEVER thought to do this before. I bet I could get so much toothpaste and stuff out of my tubes before throwing them out or recycling them. I will start looking for products in recycled bottles as well :-)

  2. Good job. And, just think of all the product that you paid for that you through out. Now, every penny's worth is being used. Plus, your money will go farther. I mark each container with the date I opened it and try to be more conservative so that the next container will last longer and the next longer than that one. I have enough shampoo for two years, stored in the shelf in the laundry room--it was a great sale.

  3. I get kind of nutty about shampoo "samples." My hubby get s so irritated that they are laying in the shower, but I tell him "There's a little bit more in there--not throw them out!"

  4. @Meg, not sure why it took me so long to do this myself!
    @Practical, never threw beauty products away...always managed to give them away or used them on days when I wasn't going out.
    @Spicy, same here! always seems to be one more use!

  5. I figured it was easier to start one step of a time, so I gave up single-use plastics last year ( in terms of not buying saran wrap, plastic bags,etc.BUT, you are making me think it is time to move on to beauty products! and I am so all-or-nothingIwouldn't have thought to cut the package open-- good tip!

  6. I have done this with toothpaste, but not shampoo etc...I think I shall start getting the last smidgen out...

  7. This is a truly wonderful idea!
    Thanks for sharing it! Oh, and that brownie pudding cake recipe you shared was a HUGE success here at my house! I'll definetely be making that again :)

  8. With shampoo when I can't get more out, I fill it with works well.
    I hate packaging.

  9. I love the message your blog is giving! Thanks for stopping by, and for the comment!

  10. Well done and well said.

    You have a great blog here ...

  11. A great post Dmarie. I store my shampoo and conditioner containers upside down in a little suction basket that hangs on the shower wall. Even so, there's still more left when I cut them open. Thanks for the tip.

    Seems to me that the plastic packaging is on a steep increase as time goes by.

    That plastic island in the ocean is horrific!


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