Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earth Hour on Saturday, March 26, 8:30pm

Almost forgot about EARTH HOUR! Let's send a message around the world that we care about this big beautiful orb we are all blessed to live upon! Lights off at 8:30 p.m.
   Turn it all out if you can (or take it all off as Crunchy Chicken suggests!); if not, just watch TV in the dark for a change. For more info, visit EARTH HOUR.


  1. We are about an hour away from doing this. I think we are going to take the dogs for a walk if it is still light out.

  2. Because of the pain medication I am taking for my shoulder, I became very sleepy, okay, groggy, about 3 pm. I slept from 3 pm until 8:15 pm. All the lights, computer, and everything but the freezer, refrigerator, and hot water heater were off. I had to have the lights because I was still stumbling and fumbling from the pain meds. So, I am considering my Earth Five Hours as sufficient. Really, I had every intention of participating. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. We went for a beach picnic dinner.
    I must say that Crunchy Chicken certainly made me smile.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. booooo... I didn't know about it... :-(

  5. Darn it--I missed it.

    I'll have to pay closer attention next time!


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