Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Finally got-around-to-its: Kale chips and re-growing produce

Hey, I finally got around to trying a couple of suggestions I'd seen on other blogs. Aren't you proud of me?
Seasoning of choice this time--YUM!
   A riff on those by Meg over at Cooking.In.College, my kale chips were wonderful! Her suggestions to avoid crowding on the pan and to dry the kale as much as possible no doubt contributed to crispier chips.
   Too lazy to measure, I just poured some olive oil over the kale in the pan and spread it around with my hands before sprinkling the kale liberally with McCormick's Salad Supreme. Baked on a heavy sheet pan in a 350F degree oven, it took 7 minutes in my oven for these bad boys to crisp up.
   Some bites tasted like popcorn! Most tasted like...well, crispy, seasoned kale. Fine by me!
My baby Romaine lettuces--aren't they cute?
   Finally got around to trying Practical Parsimony's idea to get free produce from the normally discarded celery bottoms. Well, I had some Romaine lettuce on hand, so I plunked the cut off bottoms into some water...and wahlah, little baby lettuce leaves are growing!!
   The little outer leaves are just existing, previously cut leaves continuing to grow but the inner leaves seem brand new. I never knew it could be such fun to be a countertop gardener!
   Even if I only get one salad out of these, it'll be a FREE salad, eh?!
   Sure feels good to scratch two things off my to-do list, particularly since both were successes. Any projects waiting for you to "get-around-to-it" over at your place?


  1. Wow! My celery died from my over-eager watering. "Countertop gardening" is fun and healthy.

  2. Interesting on the kale chips. I may have to try that one. As for the growing stuff, I do it all the time with onions--either green onions or the cut off bottoms of larger onions so you can grow green onions, both work well.

  3. You beat me to the kale chips! :) I was just talking about making them this very morning though. I am glad to hear your review of them. I WILL cross it off my list this week!

  4. Ah YAY!!! I am so excited that you finally tried the kale chips. They are so much fun to make and I LOVE the seasoning you used. Such a good idea. Yours turned out so much prettier than mine. The last time I made them they were ugly (still delicious but not very pretty haha)

    Thank you so much for saying my tips helped you out, nothing makes me happier than to know something I said helped or inspired someone to do something. You're awesome (I am totally growing some lettuce the next time I buy some)

  5. I'm going to have to try the lettuce thing. Never thought of doing something like that. This is the second blog I've come across tonight that has a kale recipe. I've never eaten kale before but I'm going to give it a try.

  6. @Practical & Meg, I love learning from you two...many thanks for these ideas!
    We had kale chips again last night--I'm astonished at how crispy they can get!
    @Becky, thanks, I wouldn't have thought of regular ole onion bottoms. yea!
    @BLD, definitely need to place the kale pieces single layered on pan for maximum crispiness. look forward to hearing your results.
    @Patti, I hated kale when I was young, but now can't get enough of it!

  7. I love this -- a kitchen counter garden. I will have to try this when my romaine is cut down to the base.



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