Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mom's favorite Angel Food Cake

While my mom is a whiz kid when it comes to sewing, quilting, thrifting, crafting, reupholstering, and even producing artwork, she is not the cook in our family, Dad is. I love telling this on her: Mom once burned boiled eggs! (While reading a book, she cooked the water out of the pan.)
To save energy when boiling eggs on an electric stove-top burner,
bring pan to a boil, then turn off heat and set timer for 10 minutes.
(Yeah, a smaller pan would've saved even more when boiling just two!)
   Both my folks are very generous in sharing their talents with us "kids," and there is no way I could ever give back as much as they have given and continue to give to me. So, it is my great pleasure to sometimes share what I cook around here, and Mom especially loves it when I surprise her with an angel food cake.
   With a stand mixer, angel food cakes from scratch are pretty simple. Not quite as easy when standing with a hand mixer for 10 minutes of whipping the egg whites, but I've done it. Even used a hand whisk once to see if I could...boy, did my bicep "feel the burn," but the cake tasted good!
   For Mom's favorite angel food cake, I use this Good Housekeeping Illustrated Cookbook recipe, except I do sift together the powdered sugar and flour instead of just stirring them together.
   Sun came to see us today & even stayed awhile! Rumor has it we're in for sunny days all weekend. Yea! Hope the Memorial Day weekend sun shines on you as you remember those you love, as well as those you've loved and lost.
Something oddly satisfying about the folding-in stage.


  1. You can make your mother feel better by telling her that I once went to bed with eggs boiling on the stove in a Corningware pot. The next morning I awoke to a strangely warm kitchen, a broken Corningware pot on the still-hot burner.

    Boiled eggs and their shells, all in smithereens were on the top of my 8 foot cabinets, all over the walls and counters, and permanently glued to the underside of the stove venthood. I took that venthood out eventually to replace it and found evidence of more boiled eggs.

    I am sure that their is still evidence now, even 12 or so years later. And, I am a good and attentive cook!

  2. I am also guilty of boiling a lot of things dry but so far touch wood not eggs

  3. I love Angel food cake too! They are light and great in texture! Yummy!

  4. @Practical, LOVE your story! my kitchen disaster involved me trying to get the ketchup down to the neck of the bottle...and getting it on the ceiling instead!
    @cathy, touch wood here too!
    @FoodGF, me too!!


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