Friday, May 6, 2011

Not buying it: Tomato Sauce - paste easily converts to sauce

Paste to sauce: 6 ounces of paste, 12 ounces of water, 1/2 teaspoon sugar.
No longer buying cans of tomato sauce! Took a look at the ingredients in a can of tomato sauce...found water and tomato paste. Now I just buy paste and add my own water. Why pay for the added water?
   And if you're into preparedness, the little cans of paste save on storage space when compared with sauce.
   Though I do recycle all cans (first removing & tossing the labels in with the magazine recyclables), it takes less energy to recycle smaller cans. Yet another little way to lighten my impact on this lovely earth. For more ways to lessen our carbon footprint, visit Carbon Footprint.
   Came across a great article by Colin Beaven, No Impact Man: "42 Ways to Not Make Trash." No Impact Man's year spent trying to reduce his carbon footprint to zero sure made a BIG impact on me.
   The fact that going green almost always saves $greenbacks$ is icing on the cake! Speaking of cake, I hope to make one either today or tomorrow. Please leave a link if you've got a great cake post!!


  1. Good idea about tomato paste. I've never thought of that before...Thanks for the tip that will cut down on my storage space...I don't know what kind of cake you want to bake but my very favorite is cream cheese pound cake. I posted the recipe here

  2. Such a great idea (AGAIN!) I always buy the paste but never use enough of it before it goes bad. Now I will definitely use it all!

  3. I love this. I use a lot of tomato sauce. Can't wait to try it.

  4. I never thought about it but what a great way to save money and space. Thanks for the great tip.

  5. Why have I never looked at the back of a tomato sauce can?!?

  6. That is good thinking. Indeed, why do we pay for the extra water?

    I don't know if any of you are much into gardening, but we stopped buying paste and sauce all together when we discovered how easy it is to make your own from garden tomatoes. I can't imagine it any other way now. Reusing glass jars, nothing but tomatoes in the ingredient list, grown and processed under my loving care, etc. If it is at all within your reach I'd recommend giving it a go.

    I just finished Beavan's book No Impact Man and it was truly inspiring and life changing. I'd highly, highly recommend it as well.

  7. Never would've occurred to me :D)

  8. Such a simple idea and I never would have thought of it!

  9. Great idea. I'm always scrambling for tomato sauce but have tiny cans of tomato paste just sitting around waiting for the right recipe. Not anymore!


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