Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Repurposing leftovers: Étouffée-ish Lentil Chicken Veggie Mish Mash

Only risk with winging it in the kitchen is that you must be willing to eat the results! Latest experiment in cooking turned out just fine, and another minimal meat meal has come and gone: this time an Étouffée-ish Lentil Chicken Veggie Medley.
Creole Trinity: onions, peppers and celery.
   Finally found a source for antibiotic-free, humanely raised chickens, so I'll be adding chicken back to our meal offerings, while keeping to my plan of preparing more minimal meat meals (saves money and also lightens our carbon footprint). Cooking more and more vegetarian meals, but as I'm not only cooking to my tastes here, minimal meat seems a good compromise.
   I didn't really follow any recipe for my lentil chicken mish-mash, but used the seasonings for étouffée found in Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Kitchen as my jumping off point. After I took the above picture, I ended up adding a bit of leftover lentil soup (cooked out the liquids), along with some prepared mustard and a bit of Sweet Thai Chili Sauce too. And stole the onions out of a leftover cucumber and onion salad, so they tasted vinegary going in. Couldn't really taste any vinegar once the onions were cooked!
The seasonings used, as in Chef Paul Prudhomme's Louisiana Kitchen.
   Posting this is my way of showing what goes on around here most days: repurposing leftovers and using less animal protein. Any leftovers making their way to your table today? 
Eating more "slow carbs" like lentils, as suggested by The 4-Hour Body book.
Leftover Roasted Chicken, with garlic and potatoes. (Aren't chickens gross when cold?)
Only added one chicken thigh but end result enough to feed two.


  1. We've recently been changing the way we eat due to: rising prices, wanting to eat foods that are low on the glycemic index (slow carbs), and eating a lot less meat (environmental concerns & health) so we've turned to a variety of beans and lentils, split peas, quinoa, sprouts, oats etc. We eat a ton of homemade soups (cheap and delicious)and eat many a mishmash meal - we just happen to call them "medleys" rather than mishmash :)

  2. I do this with casseroles. I use my leftover chicken, ham or a little bacon ends and pieces.

  3. I like your free-wheeling style here! That is how new creations are discovered. Plus, it's always nice to eat left-overs with a different twist.


  4. Loving your mish-mash creation.. leftovers always make a good meal, lots of flavour. We eat red lentils (mainly in soups because they seem to melt or disappear!!!). I want to try brown lentils, so perhaps I'll give it another go :D)

  5. @Jane, looks like we're on the same page. BTW, I LOVE soups; Hubby not so much, so I try not to make them too often.
    @becky, great thinking!
    @Cooking, thx! I love your style...added your link to my Cinco de Mayo post.
    @Susan, I want to try RED lentils! :)


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