Monday, June 13, 2011

Love it that they still have ferry boats!

Pic taken with my head out the roof, looking back to where we'd been.
This Green River Ferry is quite near to Mammoth Cave National Park. The short little ferry ride is free...gotta love that too!
   Took all these shots in a hurry, so sorry that the exposures are not great. Any ferries in your region of the country?
Isn't that the sweetest little ferry boat ever? ;)
Not a big ferry, so we had to stay in the car.
The kiddos thought it worth a look back too!


  1. When we lived in Washington state we often took ferries. I always loved riding on them and looking at all the beautiful houses on the coastline.

    Gotta love free a ferry.

  2. So cool! I have never lived anyplace with a ferry - always been landlocked until now, but there is no place near enough to ferry to out here!

  3. What fun! Ferry rides are so much fun. I haven't been on one in years, but I loved seeing the coastline as we crossed the water.

  4. That ride had to have been fun!

  5. I love it. It makes you slow down your life a little bit. So cool! m.

  6. That looks like a great road to ride!
    Thanks for visiting not-quite-perfect! Esther

  7. Lots of great memories of Mammoth Cave and the Green River boat tour when I was a child. Seems like the ferry was a memory, too! Love your blog!

  8. @Niki, Washington is on my list of places to go!!
    @Melissa, we drove a couple of hours to get to this one...shortest ferry ride ever!
    @TWM, hmmnn, I've never seen a coastline from a ferry, only a riverbank. Another item for the bucket list!
    @blessings, tho' short, it WAS fun!
    @Mark, you're right, such things do make us slow down...part of the lure I'd bet.
    @Esther, the road did make for a beautiful drive. Thx for visiting here!
    @Lottie, I never got to go on the Green River Boat tour. but glad to hear someone did--wish I could share that memory with you! :)

  9. Definitely we love ferries because the cheapest option for most of us is ferry only

  10. I didn't know there was a ferry on the Green River! When I was a child we had a ferry that crossed to Indiana that I remember riding. In case you are wondering I'm from Brandenburg originally.


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