Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Old becomes new and Cauliflower Soup too

One day Hubby dragged an ancient, white-painted mirror home, and because I had seen something similar in a Pottery Barn catalog, I requested he leave it as is but add hooks to it. Well, that was several years ago, and as the mirror languished in his outbuilding, its mirror cracked.
   Having long forgotten my original request to leave the chipped paint on it, Hubby recently stripped the paint and installed a new mirror. He remembered the hooks tho', and this mirror now graces a wall in our mudroom. (Click to enlarge and you can see the mud-sink reflected in the door.)
   So now every time I come in the back door, I can readily see that my hair is a mess. The mirror's makeover makes me want a makeover myself!
Yea, we're now getting cauliflower from the garden.
Not as white as its supermarket counterpart but just as tasty!
Cauliflower boiling in chicken broth, while the onions caramelize
in olive oil, butter and a little brown sugar.
This is where the immersion blender comes into play.
A can of cannelini beans in the mix helps thicken things.
Finally time to add some seasonings. Kept it simple
with salt, black pepper, white pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and Swiss cheese.
Added a sprig of fennel only as a garnish.
I'm not familiar with fennel's taste and want to learn more about the stuff before seasoning with it.
   Thunder-boomers woke me up this 4 o'clock. How rude! Hope you got to sleep in? Care to share any old-becomes-new makeovers gracing your home? Feel free to leave a link, so the rest of us can easily make the jump!


  1. I love refurbishing or old furniture makeovers. It is much more cost effective and environmentally friendly. Plus I think I love the furniture I made over more than the bought stuff.

    By the way, I love cauliflower soup. So yummy!

  2. Well, since I don't cook, I don't really know what's happening with that soup. But I can tell you that I am loving that mirror. Good job! m.

  3. The mirror looks great, have the talent (and time) bringing old stuff back and reusing it is great and very rewarding.

  4. I love the mirror! All I need is a hubby or someone inspired to do all my

  5. Ah, I could use a makeover myself! Cauliflower soup sounds divine, and I think we have the same immersion blender! I don't know what I would do without that thing.

  6. That is the first cauliflower soup that sounds like it would be good!

    And the secret ingredient isn't so secret at all...its just a pinch of salt. ;)

  7. @Murphyfish & Practical...yeah, having the talent is helpful, and yeah, Hubby got the lion's share! ;)
    @Melissa, me too!!
    @Mary, what a hoot...tickled to get the rest of the story!

  8. Mmm, that soup sounds tasty. I might have to steal this recipe too (did you know I steal all your recipes?)

    With getting my son moved into his new room I've been having fun making the old new again. We had some old canvases in the garage that I'm paiting over and making new artwork with, and an old wooden cube that we'll use as the base to his new desk. So fun!

  9. Oh, that cauliflower soup looks fantastic.

    You had me at "caramelized onions", though, so it's possible I got kind of distracted by the end of the pictures and was only imagining myself eating those like candy.

  10. I really like your version of cauliflower soup. A good use of beans too :D)


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