Thursday, June 23, 2011

On my mind: Works in progress like fried chicken, hardscaping the new garden bed and foodgawking

Hubby is hardscaping the new garden bed. No more mowing the little strip of lawn between the garage and the driveway! Hubby collected the stones from our hobby farm, a little place we co-own with some other family members.
Oh, my, am I ever thankful that I visited Niki over at Debt Free by Thirty this morn. She brought FoodGawker to my attention; that site is full of eye candy. If you need pictures to motivate you to get off the couch and into the kitchen, you'll love FoodGawker! (More to love: check out Niki's post on how watching The Twilight Zone teaches her about personal finance.)
   We don't have cable, but while at the folks the other day, Food Network's 5 Ingredient Fix was on. Claire's Roasted Curry Chicken inspired me, but I wasn't willing to pay for all that Greek yogurt, so I subbed out buttermilk to use in the marinade instead.
   And because I'm feeding DD today, I decided to fry instead of roast this chicken, so I'll have to let you know later how it works out.
Pureed red Thai Curry Paste, garlic, roasted cumin seeds, salt and pepper and then stirred the mash into 2 cups of buttermilk for the marinade.
Yum, 20 blueberries harvested from our yard went into this morning's Blueberry Strawberry Almond Nutmeg Smoothie. The phytochemicals in blueberries greatly benefit our brains and hearts, as well as fight off cancer-causing free radicals. They are so easy to grow, why didn't I plant some blueberry bushes years ago? Think of the money I'd have saved!
I am so proud of my growing sprouts. There's a BIG salad in my future!
   Thanks, Rhonda at down-to-earth, for sharing this On My Mind concept. What's on your mind today? Share your link here or on down-to-earth. 


  1. want to come over for a blueberry smoothie..yummy:))
    your new garden bed is great... love the natural stone-wall!
    and hope you can enjoy your sprouts soon:)


  2. I am so proud of your home grown berries! Just love the gorgeous tempting color!

  3. I love sprouts! I fell in love alflafa sprouts, egg salad and avacodo when I was in college in TX. Very exotic to me at the time!

  4. I need that smoothie right now!

  5. Hardscaping is looking good. Nice to get rid of nuisance grass that needs to be mown :D)
    Sprouts are coming on beautifully!

  6. I've had so many of those "why didn't I start doing this years ago" moments on my continuing journey towards sustainability/simplicity/homemaking. So very many....

    Oh well, better "late" than never I suppose!

  7. Isn't it funny how most of us hone in on the smoothie. I'd like to drink that too. The little garden is gorgeous!

  8. You are busy! And food-gawker! i wish they didn't have the recipes with it....that only tempts me...there should be a AA for recipe collectors! I need to learn to gawk and not window shopping! love,andrea

  9. You really are up to a LOT! I'm going to go check out Food Gawker right now.

  10. OK I'm now addicted to Foodgawker! THANKS!

  11. On Friday, I am going to start some sprouts for my hens. Sprouts will be really good for them! I hate pinto beans and have some that will be at least four times more food for the hens when sprouted. Yay sprouts!

  12. "Blueberry Strawberry Almond Nutmeg Smoothie." I'm salivating. I wonder if blueberries grow in Arizona. Hmmm.

  13. Love the hardscaping - very creative and looks so much nicer than cement or wooden bearers.
    After reading your post I'll have to make like a hobbit and have second breakfast as looking at all that yummy food has made me hungry! It didn't help that I also visited foodgawker when I noticed the link.


Love it that you stopped by today!

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