Sunday, June 26, 2011

A perfect day in Mr. McGregor's garden; Still looking for my fav crab dip recipe

The hopeful little flower gardener! Hubby couldn't convince her that the cut flowers wouldn't grow, but she learned soon enough when she came back later in the day. After first fussing that we hadn't tended her garden, she accepted that flowers must have roots to grow. Think the same may be said of us all?
If you see Peter Rabbit, please tell him to STOP eating our swiss chard!
Helpful little hands made making the hot crab dip more fun. Lost my fav recipe, so will keep looking for it. Maybe I'll find one here among Food Network's 20 Crab Dip Recipe Collection.


  1. looks like a great day:) hope you will find your crab dip recipe!(unfortunately do not have a "special" recipe)


  2. thanks, JenMuna!
    @Practical, sorry I didn't have time to finish the caption earlier. The young'un actually planted CUT flowers (from what I call our cottage garden, which means flowers gone wild around here) into the vegetable garden! That empty row is waiting for the sugar pumpkin seedlings to be big enough to transplant.

  3. hey, Practical, I'm having trouble posting comments to your blog. tried twice! :(

  4. Hope you find your recipe and when you do, please share.

  5. Bless her heart for planting the flowers and hoping for growth...
    FYI: others are having trouble commenting on some blogs..may be a blogger thing...not sure

  6. There is something to be said for learning by experience!

    I can't comment on my own blog now! Crazy!!

  7. Yes, I too had a little smile at her planting the cut flowers - such a sweet effort, and a keen future gardener.

  8. Oh, this dip looks so good! I will give it a try. Have a great day!


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