Sunday, July 24, 2011

Semi-scratch baking still says I care; Link love

Orange Juice Bundt Cake
When a friend's loved one dies, home-baked goods are my way of saying I care. As the timing for such bakings is often unexpected, semi-scratch recipes come to the rescue. Though I try not to bake it just for us because it's so addictive, Orange Juice Bundt Cake continues to be one of my favorite go-tos to bake and take.
    Orange Juice Bundt Cake
    Boil the glaze longer for a syrupy glaze.
    1 Duncan Hines yellow cake mix
    1 sm. box vanilla instant pudding
    1 c. orange juice
    ½ c. oil
    4 eggs
    ½  c.  chopped pecans
    1 stick (½  c.)  butter
    ½ c. orange juice
    1 c. sugar
    Grease a bundt pan and sprinkle pecans in bottom of pan. Mix first five ingredients and pour into pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes (until it passes the toothpick test). Meanwhile, place glaze ingredients in a small pan, bring to a rolling boil and boil for 2 minutes. Remove cake from oven and pour glaze over the hot cake while it's still in pan. Cool in pan a few hours before turning the cake out of the pan.

       Gonna be another scorcher today here in western Kentucky...highs in the 90s with the possibility of some thunder-boomers. Hope things are more temperate in your world.  
       If you've got a minute, I'd love to hear what the weather's like in your neck of the woods. Or what have you baked/cooked this weekend??

    P.S. While I'm at it, thought I'd share a few sites that I've enjoyed lately...happy surfing!!

    The glazed cake cooling in its pan, a pan passed on to me from my mom some years back.


    1. Hot, hot, hot, humid, humid, humid, bit of rain, and I have had salads with chicken coooked last week.

      I try not to cook everyday in this weather. There are not pots of beans that cook for hours. However, this week I plan to make a pot of good old wintertime soup simply because I found two quarts of home-canned tomatoes. I don't like soup in the summer, but I think this will be okay.

    2. YUM! That is the most divine looking cake. I can almost taste it!!! It is the mid nineties here in South east Idaho. Very hot and very dry. I am ready for it to cool off a little bit. As for baking, I made mango crisp last night. All of my six mango ripened at the same time and I was afraid they would go bad if I waited for the to eat them one by one. I also had an some very mushy pears and bananas that I pureed and am going to add to muffin batter for lunch today.

    3. That sure looks good! Thanks for the recipe! After 103 degrees for a couple of days, it will be 95 here today. We haven't had rain in a while and our grass is turning brown, and the flowers are drying out, even with daily watering. love,andrea

    4. I haven't gotten to bake since it has been so hot. We don't have AC, so I try to stay away from the oven.

      Your cake looks so yummy.

    5. rainy rainy rainy --its so cold!..don´t know where the summer is gone... we had pasta and salad;)
      your cake looks yummy!!!!hmmmh;)

    6. That is a wonderful thing to do! Thanks four your lovely comment too.

    7. I'm a sucker for a cake like that!

      No baking in my neck of the woods I'm still making pickles! There is currently a "thunder boomer" going on here and I hope it heralds some cooler weather. I nearly passed out mowing the yard yesterday.

    8. Like a lot of other places it is HOT here. Also very humid with thunderstorms most afternoons.
      The youth had a spaghetti dinner at church yesterday and I worked in the kitchen with them. You haven't lived until you've cook spaghetti for 200 people in a kitchen full of teenagers!:)

    9. Rainy and somewhat cold here in Perth, Western Australia...but that's to be expected in Winter ;) I'm planning to bake a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for my best friends birthday later today...yummmmmmm!
      Your cake looks delicious...makes me want to go and buy myself a bundt pan!

    10. Looks delicious - I love Orange cakes and yours looks so moist! It is wet and rainy here in Perth still. Perfect weather for staying indoors and sewing and baking.


    Love it that you stopped by today!

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