Friday, July 8, 2011

Thanks, Annie and NOVICA, for the great scarf!

I now own a lovely scarf made in Bali, thanks to Annie and her Novica gift certificate giveaway over on Real Life Living. In association with National Geographic, Novica provides a market for artists and artisans around the world. I thought the background of the scarf would be beige but it is more of a saffron color, which I think I like even better! (When I hand washed the scarf, the water turned yellow, but the color did not "bleed" into the other colors of the scarf. No worries there!) By the time this load of laundry washed, my lovely new scarf was dry and ready to wear. Thanks, Annie and Novica!


  1. What a beautiful pashmina! :)

    This Good Life

  2. I love NOVICA stuff. World Market is where I first learned about it, but everything is absolutely amazing and beautiful.

  3. So pretty. Love the color too.
    Thanks for stopping by my place. Glad you enjoyed the Christmas music. ;) Hope you can join us for the party July 21.

    Hmmm...just noticed your /view suggestion. Be back.

  4. The scarf is beautiful.

  5. thanks, you guys, so nice to "see" you!

  6. Oh what a beautiful scarf. Congratulations on winning!!


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