Friday, August 19, 2011

On my mind this moment: Why, chocolate, what else?!

Freshly made Spago Chocolate Cake*** and Chocolate Cherry Peanut Butter Chip Cookies alongside a slice of MIL's blackberry pie made a couple of days ago. Which do you think Hubby chose to eat after his lunch? Why, his momma's pie of course! ...I am somewhat consoled by the fact that he stole nibbles of the two I'd made. ;)
Chocolate Cherry Peanut Butter Chip Cookies --I'm hoping these are reminiscent of a PB&J, but I won't know for sure until cheat day tomorrow! Grandgirl2 helped me to throw these cookies together; they're a riff on the infamous Neiman Marcus Cookies.
Grandgirl2 is a big chocolate cake fan! ***Unlike I Dream of Baking (where I found the recipe so I wouldn't have to take the time to type it), I did use coffee in my cake. Though I don't like to drink coffee, I love the way it kicks chocolate up a notch.
   Thanks to Soulemama and Rhonda at down-to-earth for this photo sharing concept. Please feel free to share a link to your moment.


  1. They all look delicious. Men should learn to eat wife's cooking first. Or, sneak to mil's house to eat the I never had that problem, because my mil did not cook much, and when she did, it was not palatable. Husband could not believe I could cook so well. Yay, for chocolate.

  2. true;)men should learn to eat wife´s cooking first:) the chocolate cake looks so delicious and I love to use coffee for cakes!
    I read all your last posts (the horses were amazing!) but I have not found time to write each time (oh my Englisch is anyway bad:))We still have Ramadan and many things to do...

  3. Men always seem to like what they grew up with best. Sigh. Well, I console myself with the fact that my SON likes MY cooking better-LOL!!!

  4. Your chocolate cake looks just divine, Nice and rich! I think coffee and chocolate go together very well. :)

  5. That all looks amazing!!! Makes me think I should get up and go make something now!!

  6. Oooh, that chocolate cake has me wanting to bake. It all looks and sounds so delicious!

  7. WOW!!! Mouthwatering!! Have the urge to bake some now!

  8. Looking delish!! I do like your idea of coffee in with the chocolate cake.


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