Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Savin' the bacon for minimal meat meals

Don't remember where I came across this idea, but once discovered, I've been doing it ever since: separating the bacon to freeze. If I don't freeze some bacon, Hubby will soon have it all cooked and eaten for his breakfasts before a week is out. This way, I manage to keep some bacon on hand for when I need it for seasoning a soup or a stew or a pasta or...
   Freezing the stuff saves us money, since it stretches a pound of bacon into several meals. But don't feel too sorry for Hubby--he took four slices out of the freezer this morn to cook for his breakfast!
A couple slices of bacon were just the thing to perk up this week's veggie soup!
   This peppered bacon that Kroger started carrying recently is pretty good, but why can't I find any of that good tasting applewood smoked bacon that they serve in restaurants? I am forever trying new brands, searching for the holy grail of perfect bacon. To me, some brands' bacon smells just like a pig farm while it's cooking. Am I the only one who thinks that?
   And am I the only one who thinks bacon ice cream sounds good right about now? Hmnnn...just realized that just about anything sounds good right now. Must be dinnertime!!  


  1. Ah-bacon!! The food of kings! We love the stuff. Our doctor does not. But, life is short....and much better with bacon (and butter and chocolate) included!

  2. couldn't agree more, Sue! (p.s. I've been missing your posts!!)

  3. I love, love, love pepper bacon! We have our butcher make it from our hogs...and I like the idea of freezing the slices individually. What a great way to save money and make sure hubby isn't "over-doing" the bacon!

  4. I love the thick cut bacon like that. I bought some of the skinny stuff a while back and my husband said, "Let's not skimp on the bacon, okay?" Alrighty then. He doesn't ask for much.

  5. We never have enough bacon to do anything like this. A package a week is normally all we get. I do from time to time by the "ends and pieces" packages and those are what I use for recipes.

  6. Bacon ice-cream - I could go for a bowl of that.

  7. No, Bacon ice cream for me...but bacon in general I slice package in half, then divide each half into half which basically means 1/4 pound per package that is then frozen.. I love Peppered Bacon!!!
    ~~Sending Good Vibrations~~

  8. I always roll my bacon and store it on it's end, to freeze. I guess the thick slices would need to lay flat. Shhh...don't let Petal hear us talking about thick sliced bacon...ok? Maa

  9. I admit I love bacon butties and anything bacon but it is a bit hard to get here ;)

  10. *grin* thanks for the comments, you guys. I always leave here with a smile on my face!!

  11. We buy Applewood Farms nitrate free bacon.. No sulfites
    Or any additives at all...and really good...


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