Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy America Recycles Day!

Happy America Recycles Day...really, check out their site!! Yup, baring my recycle "bins" for all the world to see! ;) The bag hanging on the cabinet door knob contains greeting card fronts that I save for a local veterans' association, postage stamps saved for someone who sells them per pound to raise funds for her community's archives, plus the Campbell's Soup Labels for Education and Box Tops For Education we save to benefit a rural school. P.S. The peppers are being stored in the relatively cool garage, waiting to be cut up.
Finally satisfied my craving for onion rings! Lovin' this Crispy Onion Rings recipe I found in Sara Foster's Southern Kitchen. Basically it was just a beer batter, but I think the key was her advice to mix up the batter then let it sit for three hours before using. The onion rings turned out great, but now I'm left with a couple of quarts of used canola oil. Maybe it would be better if we eat onion rings only when eating out at a restaurant. ???
Hey, I found some "sustainably caught" salmon. It cost a "fortune" compared with most canned salmon, but the added cost eases my conscience re: any overfishing being done by this brand. My salmon patties were a riff on a crab cake recipe of Bobby Flay's.
   Not as healthy as yesterday's meal, eh? ;)


  1. Yes I agree not so healthy but it does look tasty.
    my recycle bins are by the comunal rubbish bins.

  2. I don't like the waste of oil in frying either. I wish there was some way around it. I've got a killer "onion strings" recipe--we love it, but it completely trashes the oil after just one use, so, I rarely make them. Hey, that might be a good thing for the hips and thighs-LOL!

  3. What a bunch of deliciousness mixed in with your global efforts! I walk away encouraged on two fronts...

    Blessings, Debbie

  4. They may not be the healthiest recipes...but, they sure look and sound tasty!

    We are recycling fanatics around here. We are the neighbors that have no garbage!

  5. The onion rings look delicious. I bet they satisfied your craving!

  6. Each year we recycle and reuse more and more. Our actual garbage is getting pretty minimal. Someday we will hit our zen of recycling and be a zero garbage family. :D

    Salmon patties sound yummy (as does the onion rings).

  7. Recycling, is a way of life here_nearly everything, bottles, cans, all glass, plastic...everything gets taken to our recycling station about once a month. All vegetable kitchen scraps, paper, nut shells, coffee grounds.. go to the mulch pile.

    Thanks for stopping by D. I've had the pleasure of reviewing many of your posts.


Love it that you stopped by today!

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