Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I'm lookin' for inspiration for this year's Christmas tree

I thought this monkey tree was adorable...even tho' it didn't even merit a ribbon.
Took these shots at the Kentucky State Fair, and I've been saving them in hopes they would inspire me when it came time to decorate for Christmas. Decorating the house for Christmas on December 1st has been my tradition, so that's my plan for tomorrow. Not looking forward to it...I did mention I'm lazy, right? ;)
This candy tree won Best of Show.
Blue ribbon simplicity! 
   Wish me luck with my decorating...and I wish the same for you! Would LOVE to see what everyone is doing for decorations this holiday season, so please leave a link to a post on your blog if you'd like to show off your decor this season, whether for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa...whatever!


  1. I think I like the third tree best - it's more traditional. I'm up in the loft getting out the decorations tomorrow. I'll post pics as I put them up in the house. Starting to get all Christmassy now.
    Love from Mum
    Just passing by.

  2. I'm not sure if that was inspiring or intimidating!! ;)

    Blessings, Debbie

  3. I'm a Bah Humbug when it comes to Christmas trees, but I do like lots of blinking lights on them.

    I'm wondering what a tree would look like if you had to either find or make all the ornaments? You know, like pine cones, waluts or interesting bits of this and that found on a walk. The ends of craft projects made into something unique. Have a party and create!

  4. I really should set a tradition for when to decorate Christmas tree and house with Christmas lights. My husband is always last minute.... This year we'll be on vacation most of December so guess what NO TREES. So boring and I totally miss the smell of tree right now. The second picture is amazing. But there are so many ribbons and I can't even see the tree. Haha.

  5. Oooohhh I love them all! Here's mine this year...pretty traditional :)
    Whenever you decorate your tree you should link up!!! I wanna see everyone's creativity since I have none of my own! Haha


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