Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Better than gifts: A Christmas Breakfast

Each holiday season, my Aunt M has a Christmas breakfast to which she invites family and friends. The breakfast is her "gift" to each of us. Gotta love that! We drove my folks and picked up another aunt on the way. The four-hour trip was well worth it. We were well fed, but more importantly, we got to reconnect with family we don't often see. Btw, there were plenty of Christmas sweaters around. I'm not a Christmas sweater kinda gal, but I was wearing Christmas socks! ;)
Okay, tho' I took lousy pictures, the spread really was yummy: breakfast casserole, country ham, homemade wheat bread, lemon cake, homemade cherry and berry cheese braids, a fruit salad, coffee cake made from a 100 year old recipe, plus assorted fudges and some commercial petits fours. My fav was a Yuletide Log; though I didn't manage to get it in the pic, it was the best chocolate roll I've ever eaten.
Found my dumb camera. As I'd suspected, it fell out of my purse under the table at a restaurant we'd visited the other night. Best of all, after realizing I was downright happy over its being lost, I called the store today and discovered that I am still within the return policy. Sayonara, crummy camera!


  1. What a neat idea. It looks like it was lovely!!!

  2. Congrats on your sucky camera. And thank God that I just finished dinner or I'ld be totally starving.

  3. Ooo, it looks delicious! Glad you found your camera and got to return it.

  4. Delish! That's awesome that you're still within your return window!

  5. So much delicious food on that buffet! It sounds like you had a nice visit with family; christmas socks and all. Have a happy new year!


Love it that you stopped by today!

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