Sunday, January 1, 2012

My New Year's Resolution: Do it up right this year!

Captured this gal with her tea tray at an historic hotel in Cincinnati. Pretty sure this was at The Cincinnatian, where we ate lunch in 2009 but didn't have the reservations needed to partake of this tea.
Well, yeah, I made some New Year's resolutions. Just because I rarely keep 'em doesn't mean there's no value in shooting for better habits! So, for what it's worth, here's my list:
  1. Do it up right in 2012...meaning: put out the necessary energy to eat better food, enjoy better-planned vacations and host more get togethers, all while spending as little as possible and saving as much as possible.
   Okay, that's it for my list. Impossible in the chasing windmills kinda way? Mebbe, but what have I got to lose by trying?!


  1. Sounds like a great plan and good advice for us all. Happy New Year!

  2. How about adding---Stop torturing Sue with pictures of sweet treats?

  3. I agree with Sue! lol...and brownies and sugar colored rolls are good eating? Hey, I am all for that. Just kidding. That is my number one plan for this year.

    "Angst" is the captcha code for this comment.

  4. Sounds like a fantastic plan. Do it up right, your motto for 2012,

  5. It's not a target, it's more a way of living and if you stray off the path, I'm sure you'll find your way back again. Good luck! I'm sure you'll do it.

    Have a great New Year! xx

  6. Love your attitude! Happy New Year!

  7. Love this resolution! Sounds like a great plan. :)


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