Sunday, January 8, 2012

Winter blooms freak me out!

For the second year, unseasonably warm temps have forced blooms on this bush in our side yard. Here in western Kentucky, daytime temps have been see-sawing from 50°F one day to 30°F the next. Unexpected blooms in winter freak me out. What if the same happens to our fruit trees? And what will happen to fruit prices if "global weirding" burns all the blooms on trees across the nation?
DD finally gave up some of her beloved, old ratty t-shirts. Around the house (whether hers or ours) she would wear shamefully worn out clothing. Awhile back I finally convinced her to let her Grandma repair the underarm on this blue T...she was wearing it even tho' it had holes in it! I'm of the "always dress nice 'cause you never know what'll happen" school, so you will NOT catch me wearing holey anything. Goes without saying maybe, but I did the happy dance when DD brought these old Ts over. I quickly cut them up into rags, so she won't have a chance to change her mind! ;)
My cousin's barbecued pork was the star at our family get together over at my folks house Friday evening. That man can grill!! Pot lucks are actually my favorite kinda parties--informal feel and delectable food!
   Time to end this post. I'm headed over to Apartment Therapy next, to read "Start 2012 Off Clean: Best Cleaning Tips for a New Year." Please let me know if you come across any URLs worth sharing!


  1. LOL...I am of the opinion that I wear things that are ruined in the house or yard and people ought to shut their eyes. Holes under the arms? Not so bad at this house.

    My lilies came out in the fall, just foilage, not flowers. Now, the foilage is coming up again. It makes me wonder if I will get flowers this spring. These bulbs are the ones the hens scratched out into the yard so many times I lost count as I replanted them.

  2. I agree with P Parsimony. When it comes to clothing, anything goes at home...and at Home Depot, since they'll just assume you're working on a messy home improvement project. LOL!

    I visited my sister at the end of Dec. She lives 2.5 hours south of me in southern Missouri. She still had in-ground pansies blooming!

  3. This warm weather is freaking me out too. We're farmers (5,000 acres) and this doesn't look good. The orchards have buds and are getting ready to bloom..some beekeepers have moved the bees in! No snow up at my cabin...that means no snowpack to melt and fill the reservours...DROUGHT in my future???? Gosh I hope not.

  4. I never know what to think of winter blooms. I always hope that as long as we get a good freeze at some point everything will be ok. Fingers-crossed!

  5. Did you find a calendar?

    I have a beautiful new 2012 one that my husband bought by mistake...he won't return it...I would be happy to send it to you...

    You can write in the blocks and either keep it on a desk or hang it...

  6. Just made BBQ pork last night! That's so great that you're mending her old stuff...I always just give up on it and make the torn up stuff into patchwork quilts. But they take forever.

  7. @Practical and Annie, I do have "at home only" clothes...just no holes. ;) @Lynda, we've gotten so much rain in the past year. I worry that it's gonna swing the other way. the weather is like a horror movie sometimes. I sure don't remember it being like this when I was younger! @Spicy, good idea...we'll all keep 'em crossed! ;) @Patty, what a sweetie. Thanks, but I did get a calendar: 365 Days in France. @Femme, I sure admire you quilters. I figure in my lifetime I'll be more likely to roast a whole pig than ever quilt a whole bed quilt! ;) --I have quilted some placemats tho'.


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