Sunday, March 11, 2012

Link Love Sunday

Dunno why, but I'm getting some weird warning when I try to post photos. Will work on that. Meanwhile, I'll share some links I've been enjoying.

   When I was younger, I collected menus from everywhere I went. Nowadays, instead of asking for a takeout menu, I'll just make a digital copy of a joint's menu, like this one from the Parquette Diner of Lexington, Kentucky. No more paper menus cluttering up my home, yet I still get to "keep" the menus.
   When I'm tired of answering same ole, same ole to "what's for supper?", looking through restaurant menus can give me some new ideas. Which is why I loved this little piece on vintage menus: Food Cooking:
   Here's some more LINK LOVE:
   Hope you're having a fabulous weekend!!

    1 comment:

    1. Interesting! I'm trying to spread some love on Sundays too!

      I'm glad someone else feels like I do about God's green earth. It seems spiritual to treasure the planet and cherish it in nurturing ways.


    Love it that you stopped by today!

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