Thursday, December 16, 2010

Frugal's archenemy: LAZY!

   Sometimes the most frugal things we do are those things we DON"T DO.
   Pictured here are the many cooking utensils that do NOT get put away in our kitchen. And behind the little slow cooker containing our lunch (veggie soup) sit other items that also stay out all the time: a bottle of olive oil, a pepper grinder and three flavored vinegars.
   What may seem an eyesore to some represents the best method I've found to counteract my natural tendency to be lazy. By leaving everything within easy reach (thanks, Julia Child, for the idea!), cooking becomes less time consuming. Caught a segment of Moneywise with Kelvin Boston last night, and "not eating out" ranked high on the list of ways to save money. For that reason alone I can justify a little clutter on the counters.
   Our kitchen cabinets are even spaced to leave room on the counter-tops for the food processor, blender and stand mixer to stay out as well. Cooking is less of a chore when everything lies within easy reach!


  1. I agree with your post , what may seem like clutter to some are simple ways to go about our day.
    I have limited counter space,which makes my kitchen seem cluttered but somethings are used every day!

  2. "simple ways to go about our day"...couldn't have said it better myself!

  3. Well, I wish I didn`t have to put so many things away. My kitchen is very small and leaving things on surfaces would take up far too much space.

  4. I understand, Sarina. If we hadn't put these cabinets in ourselves...with LOTS of space between, it would probably look too cluttered here for me. As it is, I kinda like it!

  5. I agree! I just old Trader Joes coffee bean canisters to store my utensils on the counter - only the cute ones though!

  6. We do the same - I love the way you justify it! Gives me a giggle.

  7. Wander, wish I'd thought to use something like coffee canisters! Took a trip through many an antique/junk store before finding crocks in my price limit.
    And Milky, I'm having fun thinking of you giggling!


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