Friday, December 17, 2010

This is on my mind...time to prepare for Old Man Winter!

This pic reminds me that it is time--well, past time even--to prepare for whatever THIS winter has in store for us. And despite the fact that these pots made it through the winter pictured here, I have since learned that I really should empty my pots and store them in the garage because extreme cold has been known to break pottery left outside. In this case, being frugal means taking tender care of all possessions, so I won't have to spend money to replace them.

Thanks to SouleMama and down---to---earth for inviting me into their Friday photo sharing. Join me in leaving a link to your moment of show n tell here, on SouleMama or on down---to---earth. TGIF!


  1. Hi. Thanks for visit me. Well I really don't like very much spanish ham, he he he, so this is going to be only for my husband, "lucky him".

    Have a nice weekend.

  2. Brrrr, that looks so cold. Yes, we have to care for everything we own. I hope you have a lovely Christmas.

  3. I love your photo and I love your blog.....very thoughtful!

  4. Oh my!! As cold as that looks, I love the way icicles look, especially in the sun :)! I am enjoying reading your posts, so nice to "meet" you!

  5. Hello Dmarie,
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Aaaah, just looking at your pot plants - how cold is it already!!

    I've got to go and get some things done just now, but I'll come back soon and have a good look through your blog, its very inviting.

    Cheers, Susan :D

  6. Brrrrr...brrrr...brrrr! I have chills just looking at that picture!

  7. Oh my gosh - I've never seen weather like that! It looks really bitter!
    Sending you some aussie sunshine :-)
    have a great weekend

  8. Thanks for stopping by to see our moment! I scrolled through some of your past posts and really enjoy your blog :)

  9. That looks COLD!!! Love winter but it can wreck havoc on anything outside. I hope you are keeping warm. It was 5 degrees here today so I am definitely having a hard time not freezing :-)

  10. Brrr! Not that cold here--yet.

    Here's our moment at wabisabi mama:

  11. Wow, is that real icicles I see? It looks freezing there. Maa

  12. Good reminder to me to bring in the few pots I have out front!

    That photo makes me freeze just to look at it!

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog today!

  13. It looks very cold indeed! And very good advice!

  14. Love all the comments! Thx for visiting, and I sure had fun taking a trip around the world through all the links found on SouleMama and down--to--earth yesterday!

  15. Looks pretty. I better go empty my pots there still out there.

  16. This reminds me that winter came so suddenly here I haven't been able to chip my swing from the ice and store it away in the garage!

  17. Oh boy, that looks cooooold. I should follow your lead and put away my pots too.


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