Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Make over: Chip clips from broken hangers

   Ever break one of those plastic skirt/pants hangers that everyone seems to have? My mom, the ultimate frugalista, breaks off and uses any unbroken clips as chip clips. Well, monkey see/monkey do, so now I do too. But as you can see, the clips work for marshmallow bags too.
   Of course, I've had my hot chocolate this morning, which is why I thought to remembered to take this pic. The idea for this post was generated by a post over on Frugal Girl.
   Here in Kentucky, we're bracing for an ice storm to hit sometime this afternoon. In preparation, I filled my car's gas tank last night. Good thing too, since today's paper contained an article about preparing for frigid temperatures that stated, "...when drivers only have a quarter tank of gas or so...that leaves room for moisture [to build up in the tank]." Evidently, putting "fuel dryer additive" into your tank will help prevent the moisture from affecting your gas/car.
   Hubby is stacking more firewood on the porch for easy access. We'll be nice and cozy regardless of the weather. Hope the same for YOU!!


  1. I LOVE this idea! I always seem to break the Chip Clips I buy at the grocery store. Plus I personally hate these hangers so I am very glad to see a much better way to use them!

  2. Thx, Meg. These break too, but I'm not out anything when it's time to replace them!

  3. thx! my mother gets full credit for this one!

  4. Thx, MQ, I think of you as having a "black belt" in frugal, and my mom has one too. I have so much to learn!


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