Monday, January 10, 2011

Cut 20-50% of your expenses!

   Okay, this is the 2nd post of the day for two days in a row, but when I come across something worthwhile, I just have to share.
   For anyone serious about spending less and saving more in 2011, the book "Your Money or Your Life" by Joe Dominguez & Vicki Robin just may change your life. It changed mine.
   Those who follow the "Your Money or Your Life" program can expect to cut an average of 20 to 50% off of their expenses. Even though I never actually followed "the program" depicted in the book, it caused me to question every expenditure for its VALUE to my life, thus saving us untold $$$$ in the several years since I first read it. That meant questioning every dollar spent eating out, for instance, and particularly those $ spent on one-time-use products like detergents and paper products.

   Thanks to TreeHugger for the head's up to a Peak Moment interview of co-author Vicki Robin. The interview covers a broad range of topics, including our responsibility to steward the earth's resources, but those without the 27+ minutes to watch it in its entirety will surely appreciate spending a few moments gazing at the OH-WOW flower garden in which the interview takes place:


  1. I've been meaning and wanting to read this book. Your post confirms that I really need to. Thanks...

  2. I watched this video the other week and it's brilliant. I have checked at the local library and put the book on hold to. It will be interesting to read it.

  3. can't wait to hear your impressions of the book, Karla and Calidore!


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