Monday, January 10, 2011

Going crackers!

Here lies the opening salvo of my latest recipe cookoff: a quest for the perfect homemade crackers. (Trying to incorporate more organic foods into our diets, but balking at the cost of organic crackers. Besides, making my own, with organic flour, will save on packaging waste.)
   Though enjoyable and somewhat quirky, the cumin-cheddar crackers pictured here were not crisp enough to suit everyday purposes. (Recipe from Great Bar Food at Home by Kate Heyhoe.) But I did like that the dough could be made ahead, refrigerated and used later. Hope to find other recipes that work that way, to allow for freshly baked crackers on demand. Oh, and you can see that I didn't take the time to make mine round, just tapped somewhat flat edges into the roll of dough.
   Tried this recipe because I had some cheddar that needed to be used up, but will be looking for a recipe without cheese. Frugal Girl is also searching for the perfect recipe for homemade crackers, so hopefully she will come up with something and save me some time.
   If you have a recipe for a yummy, beautifully crispy homemade cracker, I'd love to hear about it!


  1. I'm dying for a good cracker recipe too! I can't stand to spend so much on a box of something my husband can demolish in an afternoon.

  2. Looks delicious! I really want to try my hand at baking crackers.

  3. I abolutely know nothing about cracker baking, but would tweaking the recipe help?

  4. Here is a link to a water cracker biscuit recipe.
    Hope this one is what you're looking for. Enjoy. Maa

  5. I hope you do find a crisp cracker and share the recipe with us. I can't buy organic whole wheat flour here in Mexico, but home made is better, even with regular flour.


  6. I have a cracker recipe from school but it required a rolling machine...I too have been searching for a recipe that can be made using my own two hands! Even though your crackers weren't crisp enough they look wonderful and I be they tasted great!

  7. Wow - the idea of making your own crackers is one I hadn't heard before. Good luck on your search!

    I'm still looking for the perfect mac and cheese recipe.


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