Thursday, February 10, 2011

On my mind: Smoky cheese & walnut crackers

What's on my mind? Well, these crackers that are fresh out of the oven and cooling on a rack. Haven't even tried them yet, but Hubby did and he approves. Still working my way through Ina Garten's latest book, How Easy Is That? and this is my latest trial. Only, not being a fan of blue cheese, I substituted some smoked cheese and parmesan, as that's what I had on hand. Oh, and I just made half a batch, the plastic wrapped log will go into the fridge for another day. For the recipe, visit Ina at the Food Network. Happy snacking!

Thanks, down-to-earth, for sharing this On My Mind concept. What's on your mind today? Hope you find a minute to leave your link here or on down-to-earth.


  1. Snow cream and the South's response to snow was on my mind last night and this morning. Love the idea of making crackers.

  2. YUMMY! Crackers & Smoke Cheese made my stomach growl...LOL

  3. I will have to share that link with my step-dad - he LOVES cheese crackers! Happy Baking!

  4. Every second blog I visit today has food on it, lol. I like the idea of crackers to eat now and some in the freezer for another day :).

  5. I was thinking today if anyone made crackers! I never have but I love them.

  6. Those look so yummy! I just bookmarked them, thanks for the link!

  7. Oh, they look so good! When I finish the book I'm going to get back into much more baking. I miss it.

  8. Love your blog. I can almost smell those crackers.

  9. oh those look YUM! I love Ina Garten too <3

    I followed your link from D2E <3



  10. Those sound amazing! I have been totally craving some crackers today!


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