Friday, February 11, 2011

This moment: Old times thar be forgotten

Love the standing silverware in these two photos (of photos) of Old Natchez, Mississippi, taken during our adventures there at the end of September of 2010. Anxiously awaiting trips and new adventures in 2011 and wondering how antiquated the pictures we are taking today will look to the folks of the future.

Thanks to Soulemama for this Friday photo sharing concept. If you're so inclined, leave a link to your moment for others to visit.


  1. Neat photos! It's strange to consider how our photos will look in the future.

    Thanks for stopping for a visit today.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  2. Ooooh, I love old photos! I am just hoping that at least one of my kids will like photos as much as me!

  3. I love old photos too. I wonder what the people were like and how they went about their daily life. I'm sure we will be looked upon as being very different too one day. Jacinta

  4. Great to see old photos ... so few around which makes them all the more precious.

  5. I love to imagine the stories that going along with old pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I've often wondered the same thing! (but then I also wonder (as I look at all the random people in my holidays snaps) how many people have random pics of me in their photo albums!!)
    have a great weekend

  7. First picture I thought that they are spanish, ha ha ha from Andalucia, then I read your post upss.

    Nice photos. Thanks for sharin, and for stopping by in my blog.

  8. What an adventure you had, I love how timeless and rich a black and white photo can be. Thank you for stopping by my little blog to comment.Have the best weekend

  9. Wow! These are terrific old photos!!

  10. Cool! Those are really neat. There is just something about old photos, isn't there? Happy Weekend!

  11. Neat! Ooh, do you live in Mississippi too?

  12. Hello - Nice to hear from you via Soulemamma. Standing cutlery? Sounds dangerous! Duelling over the potatoes. Have a great day.

  13. Neat photos! I like to imagine what was happening when I see old pictures.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  14. cool photos! I often find myself wondering if my kids will make fun of my hair and/or clothes when we look back at our family photos...

  15. Love them! What a great treasure you have there!


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