Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The shame of less-than-green travel

I have yet to figure out how to be greener when traveling by air, staying in a hotel and purchasing instead of cooking all meals. Sooo much easier to be green when camping, especially within our beloved state of Kentucky, but in our recent jaunt to San Diego about the only green thing we did was to put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door, so the hotel linens would not be changed every single day. *SIGH* One day I hope to be as green as Beth over at My Plastic Free Life, who had only a few empty bags of Flamin' Hot Cheetos to shame her at trip's end. Wait! We did do one other green thing: took our own water container with us everywhere we went and refilled it instead of buying bottled water.

Pictured: Squirrel in foreground feeding itself in La Jolla, California...yes, the water really IS that blue!


  1. what a beautiful picture! love this blue water and sad that I'm so far away...
    very nice article:)laugh at the "Do Not Disturb sign":)

  2. thx, Alfarascha, S.D. is definitely worth a visit!

  3. Lovely picture.

    Thanks for commenting on my blog. Where did you find it?

  4. Thank you for your visit.. Nice blog you have here and now I will be one of your blog many followers

  5. thanks for visiting, G. I left an answer on your blog. Well, a sort-of answer! ;)

    @Wan, nice to see you here. I thought of your post as I drank water BEFORE my meal last night. I followed your recommendation not to drink any during!

  6. Sometimes I think about feeling guilty for taking vacations that involve airplanes or by car (not carpooling)... but I rarely let this feeling manifest too much. I hate to think of all the places I would miss out on if I never travels and all the experiences I wouldn't have.


  7. @shortyS, I feel the same...particularly about flying. Hubby wanted to fly to San Diego last year, but I suggested we not fly where we can drive, so we went elsewhere. Recently read that for trips over 400 miles, flying is greener than driving, so this year we made the trip to SD. Not sure if 400-rule is true, but it made me feel better about flying!


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