Thursday, March 3, 2011

On my mind: Next best thing to being crafty

On My Mind: Cooking is my favorite "hobby." Besides some crocheted afghans and a few dabbles in other media, I've never been one for crafts. Yet I love the new card-making craze...they're just so darned cute! Next best thing to being crafty myself is knowing others who are. A gal I used to work with made the cards pictured here. She loves making them, but she couldn't possibly use all that she makes. So she sells them for what it costs to make them! Yup, I get lovely, hand-crafted cards for far less than it costs to buy commercial greeting cards. Gotta love that!

Thanks, Rhonda at down-to-earth, for sharing this On My Mind concept. Anything on your mind? Share your link here or on down-to-earth.


  1. These are so pretty.
    I guess she just keeps going for the love of the craft.
    Good for her. Grab them before she jacks up her pricing ;)

  2. Personally, I dislike it when someone says I am crafty. I am multi-talented, entreprenurial, and serious. I love to cook. I have been known to dabble, but that's okay, too. If I lived in a larger city, I would find people who did not cook and had a poor diet, but money to eat well. I would like to cook balanced meals that addressed their problems. Yes, and I would get paid. cooking is an excellent hobby. There just aren't enough people around here to eat it

  3. CUTE! I'm always amazed at stuff like this.

  4. Totally gorgeous, I love them! You have a talented friend, they look so professional.

    I've been thinking about handmade cards today as a friend is considering whether to make or order her wedding invitations. If she can order some cards as cute as these ones online, I think she should buy them!

  5. They are beautiful. Your friend is very talented.

  6. Just curious, does your friend buy all the supplies new or does she ever use donated supplies, buy leftovers from others, or get them from thrift stores or garage sales. In this town it seems every yard sale has supplies for card making and scrap booking. If I weren't in a perpetual declutter mode, I would try my hand at it.

  7. Think of yourself as supporting the arts and crafts movement. The cards are beautiful and so much nicer than commercial cards.

  8. You can certainly make a nice card, they are lovely.

  9. Oh those are lovely cards; your friend is very talented.

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your friends cards are lovely!I too love cooking, and cooking certainly is a creative outlet!! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Such lovely cards. A very talented friend indeed.

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I think those cards are wonderful, and the price can't be beat! I don't consider myself crafty either, but in the spirit of doing more with less, I've surprised even myself. ;)

  13. @Practical, I know she'll take little tidbits people save and give her, because my mom donated some junk she'd been saving (a pkg of metal hearts and some tiny lady bugs) and CardGirl loved getting them. She's not a yard/thrift sale kinda gal though (unlike me)


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