Friday, March 4, 2011

This moment: Travel hits all the senses

My three favorite reasons to travel: Newly discovered foods...highly memorable sights...unusual people. Loved this repurposing of the old shovels!

I was told the lemon pictured here is coveted for its plentiful zest, as it contains little juice. And the tat capture was taken at the San Diego airport...some man who appeared to be late 40s sporting these chucks & the cheesy tattoo amused me greatly.

Thanks to Soulemama for this Friday photo sharing concept. If you're so inclined, leave a link to your moment for others to visit.


  1. Haha that tattoo is ridiculous! I have never seen anything like that lemon before, it is so cool!

  2. My thoughts exactly, Meg! wish we had Buddha hand lemons in the stores around here! can't ever get enough of zest!

  3. All the things you saw were so funny! Wonder if that guy knows he's 'famous' now. & yes, I too love zest. A lemon is my favourite food in the world & the Buddha hands are exotic. Katie x

  4. With you being a resourceful type of gal, just thought of something you might like;

    Katie x

  5. Thanks for visiting my place! I love the shovel tree! It's great! As for the tat, well I have an issue with those bunny ears and what it stands for, can't believe someone would brand themselves with them!

  6. Look at all those crazy finds! So great to travel, I agree!!

  7. Hi thanks for stopping by my blog, i've had a look at yours some of your older posts are right up my alley so i will be stopping by again as im now a follower ;)

  8. Wow, crazy lemons. I love travel for its food, too, as well as the other things on your list. Also, for the unusual (to me) animals.

  9. Oh geez, that tattoo...:):)
    The lemons look amazing!

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog. Gosh - those lemons look a lot more exciting than the ones on sale here in Wales! The Shovel tree looks just like something our local Council would dream up - only NOT on grounds of recycling. . .

  11. those lemons are amazing. I wonder if they actually have any juice in them?
    thanks for stopping into visit My Poppet it's lovely for me to discover new blogs and meet new readers :)

  12. @Miss, I will always wonder that myself...didn't buy a lemon, because I had no way to use it and no way to get it home. *sigh*

  13. I love travelling too.

    and here's my moment of the week:

  14. There are buddha hands in our farmer's market regularly-- but they cost $25 each or so, so I have never tried them. What was the price in SD, do you know?

  15. I love that tree and I know my husband would, too. Looks like something I would have seen on my recent road trip in Kansas. LOL!


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