Saturday, April 30, 2011

Cried over the Royal Wedding--while grating onion for cucumber sandwiches

Middle Eastern flatbread
Wanting to somehow join in the celebration of the Royal Wedding yesterday, I decided to make cucumber sandwiches.
   For a cucumber spread, I just smooshed together 8 ounces of cream cheese, 1 to 2 tablespoons grated onion, 1/2 teaspoon onion salt and somewhere between 1/4 to 1/2 cup of both grated and finely minced cucumber. I threw it together in a hurry...sorry no pics of the spread!
Harvested my funny little Romaine lettuce crop--scant but free salad!
   Unfortunately, I'd had no time to bake bread; neither did I find time to stop by a bakery for a quality white or sourdough bread. So, we slathered the cucumber spread on some flatbread bought from a tiny little market we stumbled upon in Nashville on Thursday. (Three ladies were slapping the dough in a little room at the back of the store, and the freshly baked bread was available on a screened pass-through between that room and the store.)
   Granted, smearing cucumber spread on flatbread was decidedly less wedding-like than dainty little cucumber sandwiches would have been, but still, it WAS tasty!
   Hope something tasty pleased your palate yesterday! And may we all live HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!


  1. That sounds like a lot more fun than the wedding to me! I love going into stores like that and seeing people actually making the foods. There are a lot of Mexican markets where I live and I have been fortunate enough to watch and buy a lot of homemade tortillas!

  2. I meant to make cucumber sandwiches, but forgot every ingredient when I was at the store. So I made drop scones instead. They were fantastic, and I now know how to fatten up my brother (who's been a tad underweight for a few months).

  3. The cucumber spread sounds yummy. I bet it'd be good on crackers or to stuff celery. BTW I saved my romaine lettuce bottom and I've got it on my counter to grow. Can't wait to see it sprout! Thanks for the idea.

  4. Love your post title! and the post too of course ;-)
    The cucumber spread sounds yum - a nice change from just slices.

  5. Hey, I found your blog and its great!

    We had a Royal Cream Tea between the church ceremony and their appearance on the balcony.

    Clotted cream, strawberry jam on scones. Homemade fruit cake. Ham or tuna sandwiches (but of course cucumber would have be posher) served on bone china plates of course!

    Sft x


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