Monday, May 2, 2011

Towns lived in on the journey to Debt Free-land

Keeping an eye out for "wants" pays off: math manipulatives recently bought at a garage sale.
We are fairly swimming in all the rain that keeps falling. I feel as dull as these endless gray skies that keep me indoors as life goes on here in PerpetualRain-Falls, Kentucky.
   Still, time inside has given me time to ponder some of the many places we've lived on our journey to Debt Free-land:
   Okay, I haven't spent ALL my time coming up with corn-ball town names, I have read or skimmed a library book or two (or three or four or...).  
   Be CentsAble: How to Cut Your Household Budget in Half by Chrissy Pate and Kristin McKee recommended this Birthday Freebies site. Though no freebies were listed within 25 miles of our town, hope you get lucky!
   Of course, you may not want to follow this suggestion unless you have what it takes to get your freebie and walk out with nothing except what's within the ole budget. When I got a free ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery for my birthday, I had no problem walking out with that and only that. (I do occasionally buy ice cream there--not often enough for anyone to know me.)
   Anyone else getting birthday freebies? Care to add anything to my corny list of towns lived in on the way Debt Free-land? Hope it's not raining out Spring in your neck of the woods!


  1. This birthday site is odd - it says none within 25 miles of my zip code, but the restaurants it advertises in the side bar ARE in my zip code. I clicked on the logo and signed up for the email club of the restaurants I like (which includes the birthday freebie).

  2. Not exactly a freebie but J C Penney department store sent me a coupon for $15 off a $15 or more purchase for my birthday. I searched the store and found undies on sale for $7.99 a package so I bought two packs and with tax I only paid $2.09 for 12 pairs. I'm sure a lot of people would have used the coupon on an $80 dress. But I was happy with my almost free new undies.
    I wish you'd send some of that rain down south to Florida we really need it!

  3. I loved all your town names Dmarie, very clever. Never rains but it pours eh?
    We're enjoying a beautiful Autumn here in South East Victoria (Australia). However, our Northern States are once again copping lots of rain.
    Hope you can get outside in the sunshine real soon :D)

  4. @Anna, thx, I'll go look again!
    @Patti, good to know Penney's does that! I usually go for socks when I've gotten coupons like that from other stores.
    @Susan, thanks so much. y'know, I think I first discovered your site when you were getting way too much rain there!
    @Maris, thanks & good to "see" you again!


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