Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Passover--celebrating each other's faiths with food!

Banana bread cooling; blond brownie dough ready to bake.
My blond brownies turned out okay, but I'll keep looking for the BEST recipe. Meantime, you may want to check out these Chocolate-Covered Caramelized Matzoh Crunch by David Lebovitz. Pretty much the same as the Saltine Cookies I make, but using Matzoh makes a nice Passover variation.
   I'm not Jewish, but I love celebrating foods with other faiths.
   I feel privileged to have visited and witnessed Rosh Hashanah services at a Jewish Temple, Friday prayer at a Muslim Mosque, a worship service at a Hindu Temple and a meditation with a Buddhist Dharma study group. Not to mention visits to several different Christian denominations.
One for Hubby to take hunting; one for freezer for later.
   Some of these visits were college credit requirements for a class in Comparative Religions; some visits were made for fellowship with friends. I am richer for having all these experiences -- MUCH richer for gaining a respect for all the different faiths. Gives me great hope to know the MAJORITY of us are seeking to find and do the right thing by each other.
And now for my cooking confession:
   Did I mention that I'm lazy? The pic at top tells the tale. Once it cooled in the pan on the rack, I propped my banana bread on top of the pan to finish cooling, so I wouldn't have to clean the cooling rack!
   Washing dishes never seems to end. If anyone likes washing dishes, please teach me your secret! Better yet...tell me how YOU avoid cleaning something!


  1. I never let baked goods cool in the pan, I just turn them out in my hand and plop them on a dish towel that is covering a magazine. It is not the approved way, but that is how I have always done it. The clean dish towel must be washed, but that's easier than the rack that must be washed. Once, when I bought a cooling rack, it went right back to the store when I contemplated washing it.

  2. Wow I am wondering how busy you are:)) always so much delicious things on your blog!!with two little kids I feel sometimes unable to do all the things I want/wish to do..
    love this post also because of its intercultural statement, such important and beautiful experiences that you have made, thanks for sharing!;)

    and because of the thing with the dishes, I let my dishwasher work...hmhm, yes before we bought a dishwasher I thought of saving energy, now I think of saving MY energy ;))


  3. Hmmmm... I too dislike washing the rack. I also dislike how they do not fit well with the other baking pans in my cupboard. Maybe I'll have to try one of these alternate methods and give them the boot!

    I've had the chance to visit a variety of different faiths and it really was a growing experience for me. Sharing in their cultural foods would be very interesting as well!

    Since it is just Matt and I we sometimes use the same place settings for an entire day if we don't eat anything to juicy or saucy. We just leave them on the table when we are done with each meal and then wash everything after dinner. It is simpler than washing the place settings after each meal. But, this might only work in small household like ours.

  4. @alfarascha, thanks! and my racks won't fit in the dishwasher or that's where they'd go!
    @BLD, we each use our same glass all day, but love your idea about the plates. I was raised to get a clean plate & flatware for dessert, so I'm proud to say that I can now eat dessert on the same plate a sandwich was on! uh, as long as it wasn't a messy sandwich. ;)

  5. ah ok, now I understand! my fits..maybe its a bit smaller?;)

  6. I just wipe my racks after every use and they don't get so 'baked on'
    You could get a dog....haha! (just kidding!!!


  7. I hate washing dishes....ah it NEVER ends.

    I don't even own a cooling rack haha I do exactly what you did!


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